Hey, I got this new Disney movie "Up" and it was one of the newer style that have a smaller PS3 size case for the movies but inside it has 4 disks. One is the Blu Ray version, the second is the Blu Ray Bonus features, the third is the DVD version of the movie, and the fourth is the digital copy. However, when I load the DVD version DVD into the dvd drive to rip and shrink anyDVD can't recognize it even loaded into the drive, DVD Decryptor the whole drive disappears on the program and just trying to shrink it from the DVD itself with DVD Shrink it locks up at 0% of the analyzing stage. I was curious as if there is a new method of ripping and shrinking these types? or if there is a patch or something I need to download or what? Have yet to see this on any of my dvd's I have purchased. (update)- numerous times loading it into both drives on my Desktop and my other dvd drive on my laptop it didn't even recognize the disk or took quite a while to find/recognize it whereas my other DVD's find/recognize instantly on all drives I use. Also when clicking on it in my computer it does not allow you to play it in windows media player like every other DVD. Nothing loads.