First Build: Intel Quad Core 2 Q6600 - Ge-Force 8600 PCI Express - Ga-EPC-DS3R M/B,Corsair PC6400 - 2GB,Cool Master 650W PSU, 500GB WD HD - SATA, lite-On DVD DL Burn SATA, Asus DVD Rom SATA On starting up every things seems fine - All Fans start etc. Also, I think I hear one beep then it restarts and restarts.I've checked and rechecked the CPU heat sink. I've also disconnected all the devices and still the same. Any help -- please!!!
When you disconnect everything it still does the simple one beep? Sounds kind of it one short beep, or a long beep? And do you have your motherboard beep code list handy?
Thank you. One beep on mine means "System boots successfully" However, it then reboots and reboots. The Techs at Microcenter think it might be the placement/contact of the CPU heat sink. I'm going to try and boot the M/B outside of the case with only the Video card and one stick of memory and nothing else connected,except the CPU fan. Perhaps the M/B is contacting the case?? Also, does anyone know if there is supposed to be insulators between the M/B screws etc. and the case? The case manual talked about supplied insulators but I didn't find any. My case is a Thermal TA mid tower case. The screw terminals are threaded risers from the case so that the M/B screw termanals are higher than the case itself, thereby keeping the back of the M/B from touching the case, except at the screw termanals. Thanks
Tried M/B out of case with one stick mem. No Video card and only the CPU fan connected .. Same problem. I think it's the Heat Sink on the CPU or the CPU or M/B or a combo of them.
Sorry I cut off part of my last reply: M/B out of case. Same problem - rebooting in 3 - 4 seconds. I'm wondering ( but don't think so ) if the M/B should be insolated from the case screws? Doesn't look like thats the case. The Stand case offs rise above the case which keeps the MB from touching the case and shorting. However, this is still not the problem with the rebooting as I tried it as above out of the case. I'm going to re-apply the thermal grease again and reset the CPU and try out of the case one more time before I have to "Hit the Shop" My 30 day parst replacement ends on 3/24/8 from Microcenter. Any ideas???