i am going to have to buy a new burner, and i was just wondering if anybody know anything about this burner. let me know thanks. http://microcenter.com/byos/byos_single_product_results.phtml?product_id=245654
I've read where people are having problems with Samsung burners. I wouldn't chance it, when there are so many good ones out there. Here are a couple of good ones: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16827106013 http://www.supermediastore.com/pioneer-dvr-111d-16x-dvd-burner-bulk-black.html Good luck! LiteOns and BenQ are a couple of the best. There's also Pioneer, Sony, LG, Nec...........
my problem is that i do not believe in credit cards. so i cannot order any of this stuff online. so when i saw this email from microcenter i thought about buying this burner. just wanted some input before i do. like i said if i bought it and something goes wrong with it i can always put my other one back in. it is funny the one i have now i paid 30 dollars for it at fry's. never had one day of problems out of it, knock on wood. not even a brand name. just some cheap one they had on sale about 2 years ago. made over 600 burns with it.
They usually have LiteOns and Sonys at Wal Mart. Go to a local computer store. Sometimes you can get a pretty good deal from them.
appreciate the info. i think i am going to try this burner, just see what happens. you never know, might find a diamond in the rough.
I would also NOT buy the Samsung. The Litey is same price and much better. Isn't there some kind of new Master Card you buy at a retail store and use like a MC. Probably sold in $50-100 increments. Haven't seen them except for TV ads. It enables those with no credit cards to actually avail themselves of the service.(Prepaid cards)haven't the foggiest as to what the service charge would be.
Lots of places don't require credit cards, like Tigerdirect. They'll do money orders, checks, etc. BTW, they have the NEC 3550a for $20 after rebate, and this drive ROCKS! http://www.tigerdirect.com/sectors/help/faq1.asp#or6 All I can say is stay away from Samsung products. Their burners suck!
ok, staying away from samsung, what about this burner? http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=1827330&CatId=482
Most of what I've heard about Lite-Ons is good. They are one of the few drives that will bitset DVD+R single-layer discs right out of the box. Almost all will bitset DLs, but not all bitset single-layers. With NECs, you need a hacked firmware, which works well, but Liteys do it out of the box. Personally, I'm going to get another one of the NECs. $20 is too good to pass up. But I would consider a Litey if they were a little cheaper.
i am kinda wanting to try the Lightscribe. that is why i was thinking about that samsung. but i think i will go ahead and get this LiteOn, and see what happens.
I don't have lightscribe, but have seen one. To me, they would be something to do to one out of every 50 discs. I'd get tired of them, real quick. I have an Epson "R" series printer, and print directly on "printable" discs. Hard to tell the original, from the copy. Colors look much better to me, than the monochromatic look of the lightscribe. But that's just me........... )
Plus the COST of LS discs and the limited selection is a major problem as well. If you do a lot of burning the printer and ink may pay for itself over Lightscribe.
Yeah lightscribe technology has a long way to go. I have it and I use sharpies. The ones I've done are hardly readable. 30min burns too.
so what you are saying is Lightscribe is not worth it? that your discs you cannot even tell what is printed on them?
Well, I've seen some LS discs that look decent. I guess your source artwork plays a role too. However, given the quality limitations, cost, extra work, etc. LS isn't worth it. If having nice-looking discs is that important to you, it's probably more feasible to go with a printer. For the limited quality you get from LS, you may as well use a Sharpie and spend much less.
well that is pretty much what i decided. hardly anybody ever sees the discs, so i will just keep with the Sharpies. thanks for all of you guys input. helped me out alot
I have the Samsung among many other fine drives and I like it very much. I get good burns and the lightscribe is a good feature. I have a epson cd printer for most of my labeling but it's nice to have another option for special occasions. JMO
hey Johnny i appreciate the info. i did go and buy this burner. i could not resist the 31 dollar price. i have not installed it yet. will do that today. i will post back and let you know what is going on.
Doh! I'd return it. Based on what I've seen here and on Videohelp, Samsung's are the worst drives on the market, along with LG.