can anyone please tell me what the new codes are for euro box for oct 09in the newcastle upon tyne area thank you
I'm amazed that there's only been one asking here, it's been manic on another site. Perhaps after years of total mayhem at times people have actually learnt how to use there boxes and update them as necessary. All the guys who've helped out can at last say "A job well done"
Well can live in hope can't we. Did you also note that VM had a few areas down due to faults for several hours today. In most of them factory reset and rescan has sorted it. Makes note read all post before putting foot in my mouth.
Hi all, I have a Eurovox Max Blue and on all the channels it says 'updating codes' or something similar. How can I get all my channels back?? Thanks
as stated above, their is outages in various areas in the UK, they will come back or you may need to re-scan if they have moved freqs, check out your provider site to see where there is outages,
virmin media site, the have a maintenance page and it tells what areas is having issues with TV, BBAND or phone, its the best place to start, but 9 times out 10 its usually the provider where the issue arises
Good man Mickah, I thought I had to add new codes to it through the menu options, if I do I don't know where to get the codes :-(
this works for me even if they has been freq changes, but today they has been a key roll which is why people who hasnt got the latest software installed are having trouble veiwing, need to update your boxes people.
It is impossible that it works for you or anyone else if the frequencies have been changed as your box has picked up channels on - guess what - a different frequency. Hence the need for factory reset and rescan.
There has been a key change yesterday and today in the UK on all providers so it's a case of finding them elsewhere or update your box with the necessary firmware.
if the freq were changed but the box didnt pick the new freq up and displayed scrambled chan then a hit on the default key and exiting to the relevant channel to update to the new freq would sort it, ive never needed to do a rescan.