I bought a new laptop and it has windows vista. I am looking for a new back-up program. I have dvd hd fab, dvd shrink 3.2, and imageburn. I can back-up movies ( they are on my hard drive, but cannot view them) but cannot burn them to a disk. I tried using my on-board dvd burner. The burner also has lightscribe. I do have an external Maddog burner. Should I continue using those programs or is there something better. I need to make it as simple as possible..............I am not that computer savvy. Thank You for your Help!!!
if you burned them to the hard drive then you should be able to view them using a video player like Real Player, Window Media Player, Classic Media Player, Cyberlink PowerDVD! There are plenty of programs to choose from and the only way to choose what's right for you is to use them and make your own opinions. Here are some guides..... look to the Software button on the bottom of the page and check out the guides: http://webpages.charter.net/bacitup/Guides.htm