Just got a new Dell XPS 8700 desktop, just wondering, the machine seems pretty slow, will it speed up when the cookies for each program is installed? T.I.A.
Yeah, I have a special room with a grow light to nurture my "special" herbs that go in the recipe....
You may move slow but you think you're flying...... Here's my question of the week for you.... Why did M$ skip Win 9 and go to Win 10? A “real” Geek with a couple of my cookies, would know that..
http://www.extremetech.com/computing/191279-why-is-it-called-windows-10-not-windows-9 http://www.networkworld.com/article...ft-skip-windows-9-and-jump-to-windows-10.html http://www.komando.com/happening-no...e-real-reason-microsoft-skipped-windows-9/all
From those links I see them trying to make it a complex reason but in reality: M$ Windows 10 has the codename “Redstone” and will be released in 2016.. Redstone was the first large American ballistic missile and 10 (one, zero) = 16 in Hexadecimal... See, my train of thought is really more than just a string of empty box cars...
Guess you genius breed are above a simple yes or no, hope some day I can be of help, thanks again for all the consideration shown. In the mean time you can all kiss my Irish A. Can't believe one of you gents is a Moderator, great board you have going.
Sorry if our light hearted response offended you but cookies have nothing to do with a programs speed or responsiveness... In this leftwing Politically Correct world we couldn't just say that it was a dumb question and before posting it you should Google and read to learn what cookies really do. I believe ddp gave you an escape route that needed no further response that would only compound the believe that you haven't a clue what a cookie is or does.
I spent 5 years In the Marine Corps, and am the least political correct person you would know, but making a fool out of someone for lack of knowledge has nothing to do with PC, I personally never try to mock someone for fun at their expense. I do know what cookies are and that they store info for a given website, and occasionally need deletion, I was just wondering if until the website was opened to the use of one if it might not open faster once installed. As far as being a Left Winger, I ran a union lead committee for Regan in 1980.
Lesson learned then.i.e You know what your talking about but if you don't provide the necessary info (what you just now posted that should've been in the original)nobody else will & you leave it up to others to assume.Happens more often than not its only after the fact the person realizes how their post comes across
was not making a fool of you as I wanted to make certain you knew what a cookie was before I continued asking questions or supplied you with the info you needed depending on your answer.
I believe my post was a very simple question what exactly should have posted that would have made the question any clearer?
You wanted to make sure I knew what a cookie was by doing a comedy routine and never explaining what a cookie was? BTW any answer to my original post?