Fisrtly I would like to say abig thanks to all the hard workers on teh N2 fox for the Eurovox 1000Sl. I ran the rescan and got ESPN loud and clear. However the guys at NTHELL have upped the stakes and it looks like they have made the f/esre obsolete. Is there another f/esare update in the mix or will i retire my eurovox again. Iam based in Dublin apologies if there is another thread but I have ploughed through them but could not find anything. Any help would be appreciated. Only a newbie but NOT stupid !!!
Hi fatfrog. Unfortunately ntl dublin are now streaming on nagra 3, which is why your krpytview isn't working anymore. I would retire it for a while all right, there isn't going to be a fix for quite a while, if ever.
Thanks for the prompt reply Evastar I will put the box back in the attic so. Any reason why Chr*** is not affected alot of my mates are not affected still using their Eurovox Max boxes considering its the same company it seems odd ??
Chorus haven't been affected yet, they never went to n2, but they have been sending out cards to chorus viewers over the last few weeks, so it will happen there quite soon too. They could go straight to n3 without going to n2 at all. It's because they were two different networks, but they will catch up quickly enough
i know this is no good to people in dublin but got it from a good source(not the usual guy in nhell or crapus ) that mmds boxes will be ok cable every where is going to go but nag3 has been cracked but no boxes will be released until all the networks have decided to switch which may take a bit of time and the demand will be on new boxes keep an eye on uk
Hi guys, I'm in Limerick in ireland. Im wondering, if i buy a Eurovox 1000sl at the min will it work? is Limerick on Nag3 which would make the box useless??
Gavin mate just to let you know, cho*** are in the process of purchasing new n3 sagam boxes for the MMDS, so they to will be going to N3 as well as soon as they roll them out. Hopefully not till well after the Xms period.