Hi, I am new to this forum and am looking for help please. I have a friend who has bought 5 discs containing hundreds of MP3 audio files. I think it is a collection of short radio broadcasts, not music. He wants to create a spare set of discs in case the first set get scratched etc. First thing he has done is to insert the discs into a PC, right click on the drive, copy then paste the files into a folder on the hard drive. The 5 files on the computer hard drive vary in size from 549MB to 682MB and total around 3.2GB. They have a bit rate of 32Kbps. He has tried to copy these files by inserting a blank DVD+R disc by using the same technique i.e. copy and paste but this has not worked. Help please. Does he need to copy them off the original discs again but differently? Does he need to burn the new discs using specific software? Should he be using CD+R rather than DVD+R? Should he be bypassing the PC and copying straight from original disc to a new disc? Help please Thanks
ImgBurn (free DVD burning program) is probably the best tool for the job. Copy the original disk to the Hard Drive using 'Read' mode, copy the file imgburn created to a blank DVD using 'Write mode' (check off the 'Delete Image' box if you only want to make one copy of the disk or when you make the last copy of each disk). Lather, Rinse, Repeat...
I would use CD-R because only a few players will play a MP3-DVD. Burning from the hard drive is best.