New hard drive on x3 chip modded box HELP!

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by soze9, Oct 20, 2007.

  1. soze9

    soze9 Member

    Oct 13, 2006
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    Ok, I just got my hands on a x3 chipped mod xbox with the control played for a few days but the hard drive eventually failed..I have my hands on a brand new seagate 500gig hard drive. I have experience in softmod but not chipped boxes. I can't back up any of the files on the old drive because it won't even run. I am just looking for assistance on how to go about this process. Again i'm new to chips so I am not sure what to do right now..Please guys have been fantastic before in helping me out so I chose to turn back to a reliable source after unsuccessful engine searches. Thank you in advance.
  2. Iconaw1

    Iconaw1 Member

    Oct 2, 2007
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    Well, if the old hard drive is broke then you can just drop the new one in and then use the AID 4.10 disk to format the new hdd and reset up everything you need. Dashboard of your choice, Emulators, Apps. I recommend XBMC for the dash. You can find the manual on their website it is real easy to follow and it will walk you through the whole process, just find the part that pertains to hard-modded boxes not soft-modded and you want to make sure you set up for the largest hdd setup since you have a 500gb, but the manual will tell you all this.
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2007

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