Okay, just returned a 160GB WD that wouldnt lock, for a 120GB Samsung. Well, the drive locks, but i've copied a few of my games to the drive and when i try start them up they freeze. I dont know if it has to do with my bios, but i'm having a heck of time flashing it. It seems to me you can't flash backwards to older versions. Seems everything works but the f: drive...Not sure if i formatted it. When i start up Flashxp i see the c,d,e,x,y,z, but no f. Then when i copy a game to the hd drive it puts it to the f:drive. Sorry for the sad post, just dont know...
Use the latest version of Evox and the latest Xecuter bios (if you have a 1.0-1.5 Xbox). Set all the IGR settings in evox.ini to "No". It accounts for a lot of game freezes. Try reformatting the F: drive. Hope that helps...