new motherboard no video signal

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by Maddux31, Dec 11, 2004.

  1. Maddux31

    Maddux31 Guest

    I had a m/b failure, RMA'd it and they sent me this one --> because this one-->
    was discontinued. I have ddram 256, amd xp athlon 2200 and I'm using the onboard video and I have no video signal. I hit the switch and all hardware powers up, fans, proc, hd but no video signal. I figured while I was changing it I'd upgrade the case to this one -->
    The other thing is that the switch to power on the computer works but it won't turn it off, weird, but it may be because there's no video signal or post screen to see what's going on. One more thing, the keyboard lights flash initally but after that they don't work, like when you hit the num lock or caps lock. I'm pretty frustrated at this point. This is for my 8 yr old and we all know how {bold}patient{/bold} they are. This board was RMA'd by Syntax even though it's an ECS Board, and of course I finally came to my wits end on Friday 15 minutes after Syntax's Tech Support closed for the weekend. ARRrrgggghghrrrrrrr!!!!!!!
    Any help suggestions, stories would be nice to get me through the weekend. I'm hoping it's the board, because I've install a number of m/b and have never had any issues at all, I'd hate to see it was a dumb mistake on my part, but that may be the case. Anyhoo thanks in advance for any help.
  2. ianski7

    ianski7 Guest


    Try reseating the Ram into it's slot. Can you test another stick of DDR in board? When you power up does the floppy light come on -- any beep codes?
  3. Maddux31

    Maddux31 Guest

    Thanks for the advice, I just went and tried that and still no signal, and no the floppy light does not come on. One other thing even though I'm using the same power supply as before I'm not sure if it's enough. It's only 120w, I've scoured the internet by there's no power requirements listed for this board, but I don't want to go and buy another power supply if I don't need to, this is only for my 8 yr old so there's not a great need for power.

    Oh, yea no beep codes either
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 11, 2004
  4. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    replace the power supply, 120w??? is not enough & possible when old motherboard failed it might have been damaged the power supply or just not enough power for board. did you hold power button down & do the 8 second count in which the power supply will turn off by itself
  5. Maddux31

    Maddux31 Guest

    Yea I held it down for 15 or more seconds. So, you think the power supply is insufficent? Originally this computer was a pentium 2 that someone else had w/ a bad m/b and I just swaped it out and added a new proc and ddram and added a dvd drive and a burner.
  6. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    replace the power supply as possibility a capacitor might have let go inside. get at least a 300w supply
  7. Maddux31

    Maddux31 Guest

    Thanks to all that responded,
    I installed a 300w power supply and it fired right up. However I believe that running the system for 12 mos or so at 120v ruined my disc drives, auto play works every other time or just freezes and have to reboot, if I close a non responding program all the icons disappear from the desktop. arrrhhhgggghgg. so i just purchased another cd rom and will install it tonight, hopefully that's the problem. It took me 3 1/2 hours to install xp kept getting cannot copy or file missing from source errors and would just have to click retry and then it worked. Again thanks everyone.
  8. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    more likely software corruption. might want to reload windows on top of self, might correct problems
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2004
  9. Maddux31

    Maddux31 Guest

    I installed a new cd rom drive and reinstalled xp. The other drives I guess were shot. With that problem solved I was able to add the extra h/d like I wanted, so all is well. I added a new disc drive, motherboard, case, psu and an additional 40gb h/d. Whew! what a ride. Well lesson learned. "Education is what you get from reading the fine print. Experience is what you get from not reading it." :-/
  10. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    at least you have it working, teach & learn

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