After sky changed the movies and renamed them i re booted my starview box and scanned as normal, all was fine but i only get 2 movie channels now, sky dram and sky comedy, all the others are asking for pin, are these problems going to last long or are we losing them . . cheers.
I came on here to ask the very same question. Lost all but 2 channels this morning. Have we lost sky sports 1 as a matter of interest too. I look forward to any replies. Annie
try a factory reset and autoscan it should pick them uo had no probs with mine yesterday just rescanned altough 3 of the new movie channels and sly sports 3 and extra changed transponders today also the new movie channels which say they require a pin when you scan the box it should come back with the oringinals with the pin and a hid version of the channel which doesnt require a pin i also have been shocked that the epg on my box works with the originals and the hid channels apart from sly movies drama hid
found them all. I entered them in the bouquet (sp) My brother talked me through it as I'm a technophobe and it worked. Cheers.
I tried scanning and resetting my box but still the same, would it make a difference if i deleted the movie channels before i auto scan . . ( i hope)
I'm having the same issues. I've done a rescan and it's picked up the new names, but it's still asking for a PIN number? Any ideas?
what boxes are you guys using? the starview requires a factory reset then full auto scan to pick up the new channels and you get the pin request channel and a hid channel not sure about dbox but im sure it would be the same sort of thing reset then autoscan
if the movies channels ask u 4 a pics just look tho ur list and u will see SMpremhid like that so they all start wiv SM,, the only one that dont have a pin is sky family ok,, that means the epg its not workin on the SM channels dammmm!!!!
I'm using a Sagem DBox II with 1XI chip, with the Commando Image. I didn't do a Factory reset (is that just holding the "Up" arrow whilst powering on?) Would that help, or is a new image the answer?
you have to add the channels which means typing them in word for word into the right boxes. I did that in the movie bouquet bit.
Cheers folks, finally got them, done the factory reset then re-scanned, i then deleted my movie channels and re-scanned again and presto . . the other thing i had to do was turn my epg on manually to pick them up . . Cheers . .