Has anyone seen/used the new updates to Nero? I understand it has something new about DVD-9 to DVD-5 in it.
Hi michigan, I think you may be talking about NERO RECODE. It is actually a version similar to DVDShrink. But it doesn't have the decrypter part so you need to run something like ANYDVD or DVD43 with it to backup a dvd. DVDShrink will do the same thing with the decrypter already there. Jerry
the update your on about is nero recode 2 , it is an excellent shrinking program made by the developers of dvd shrink . the only process it wont do is rip your original dvd , what you need for that is dvd decrypter ( which is possibly the best ripping prog out to date . correct me iff im wrong ) all you do is rip your dvd in file mode , open nero recode 2 , copy entire dvd to dvd option , then import dvd and off you go , pretty simple although i think someone could do with writing a guide for using dvd decrypter and nero recode 2 for all the newbies . happy buring )
So sorry to inform you that statement is incorrect. Nero has been working on recode2 for quite some time and it was just this past fall when they hired the author of DVD Shrink away from his passion. He recently stopped working on DVD Shrink because his time wouldn’t permit further work (although he has pledged to fix any bugs that come up with this current, and last version of Shrink). Although there is a tremendous similarity between DVD Shrink and recode2 the basic designs were done by 2 separate entities. I don’t like doing it but, in the interest of being accurate - There is a big difference between the way different programs do their job. Think of DVD Decrypter as a Circus Strongman with a sledgehammer who stands in the middle of the room smashing the encryption and miscellaneous DVD IFO files flatter than a pancake with no rhyme or reason except that everything must be flat. DVD Shrink is more like a craftsman, picking apart the encryption and laying everything out so that later it can be reassembled in its proper order. When do the differences show up ? They show up with some DVD’s like Disney’s where the IFO files have to direct the player in and out through the twists and turns of the many VOB files that we all have seen and wonder why that 5.9GB DVD when taken apart in DVD Shrink re-Author or recode2 turns into a 9.2GB of files. It shows up in every DVD filmed in a dual angled mode where again, the IFO files are needed to guide the player from beginning to twisted end of the movie. Using DVD Decrypter on these DVD’s results in sections left out of the film or a part coming before it should. One example given me was one section of the film was played in French with no way to turn it ‘round until the next “angle” of the movie came around (Bugger, that). And THAT Boys and Girls is why we use DVD Shrink all the time and only resort to DVD Decrypter when we come up against a “Tough Nut” that needs “a-bit-“O”-Smashing” because the “Craftsman” got stuck on a particular tough knot that requires that rare “Smashing” approach. “and the Good Huntsman led the little boy and his lovely sister out of the deep, dark woods and into the sunny brightness of the flower strewn meadow, and they all lived happily forever after in a day.” THE END