i've built a new PC, everything fitted fine. but when i go to start it nothing happens @ all. i know the PSU is working coz a green light and error code are on, what have a done wrong? here are the specs if it helps. CPU- AMD 64 3000+ MOBO- Abit KV8 PRO PSU-350
Is there ANY sign of life, eg fans spin, HD energise etc............. Have you got your power switch inserted on the correct pins on your motherboard? Is your power switch operating fine?
theres nothing @ all really no fans no beeps just a LED on the mobo. the connectors are in the right place i can't really tell if the switch is working as nothing is happening. i've been told that if this is happenening it's either the mobo, CPU or the PSU.i know the PSU is working as the LED comes on, which probs means the mobo is working too as LED is apaer of the mobo thx
Disconnect your power switch on the header pins. Momentarily short out the pins (check the manual for CORRECT PIN ASSIGNMENT) (simulate the power switch), BUT BE CAREFUL TO SHORT OUT THE CORRECT PINS.......... Does it kick into life?
Check you have all the correct jumper settings on your MOBO (this can be done by checking your manual and running through the installation steps again) also check that: * Your RAM is seated properly * Your CPU is seated properly * No cables, wires or, plugs are touching bare metal on the mobo. Daft as it sounds you may be shorting the mobo out somewhere, ideally, stripping the board and starting again may be your only option. If that fails it might be time to check the mobo. What error code do you mean? PC speaker bleeping?
my mobo has a error post code thing, which give u a number telling you whats wrong with ur setting. @ the min it's just says "00" which means everything is working normal.
Hmmmmm, if you are unsure with what I am about to say DO NOT DO IT, AS YOU MAY CAUSE SOME DAMAGE. Disconnect ALL your devices (dvdrom/HD etc), Basically so all you have is the following: Unplug mains lead from wall socket before removing anything. Motherboard with PSU 20 way connector connected. CPU Installed and Heatsink and fan connected. Ram installed. Disconnect all other wires, audio lead, front panel USB leads and other USB devices etc. Disconnect HD led/Power switch/Reset switch/Power on led from header pins(these goto your front panel on the front of the PC). Goto your manual, look for the header pins that I was talking about above - check the one where it states something like power switch. Correspond this with your motherboard - these are the pins to momentarily short out (simulates the power switch. Your PSU should see this signal, the fans should run in the PUS, then your CPU fan should startup, this normally indicates that it has started. Again, IF YOU ARE UNSURE ON WHAT I HAVE WRITTEN DO NOT ATTEMPT IT. It maybe worthwhile removing your motherboard as what was stated to do this first..........
If BaaBaa's technique doesn't work (If you feel sure enough to do it) a full run down of what exactly you are putting into the system might help track the problem, eg: Periphs, And have you got a multimeter?
i'll try wot baabaa is sayin to do tomorow but for now i'll give a list of everything going into the system. mobo-abit KV8 pro RAM-512 DDR 400 PC3200 CPU-AMD 64 3000+ GFX card ATI radeon 9200E HDD-80GB maxtor I/O- mouse, keyboard and monitor opitcal drives- NEC 2510A and a standard floppy drive. PSU-350W thats it i haven't plugged in any USB's yet this is a computer i've jusy finshed building. and i don't have an multimeter _X_X_X_X_X_[small]PS2 burning guide ( not my tutorial ) http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/15105 V4 PS2 with duo chip V9 PS2 with swap magic and slide tool(sisters) just made member!![/small]
Sounds like the MB is grounded. This is usually from one of the mounting screws that hold the MB to the case. Remove all the screws, prop the board in place so it doesn't touch any metal and is insulated from the case and see if it powers up. The mounting screws sometimes use insulating washers to keep the MB from being grounded. If one came off somewhere, thats the problem. Jerry
i think i've found the problem, i went onto the Abit forum and they say my PSU isn't powerfull enough to power a AMD64. the said my PSU needs to have 24Amps on the +12Volt rail, and mine only has 16Amps thanks for your help any way
Ebay http://www.overclockers.co.uk http://www.ebuyer.co.uk http://www.worldofcomputers.uk.com http://www.eclipse-computers.com http:www/starcomputers.co.uk http://www.computermarkets.co.uk/NewFiles/main.html PCWorld Maplins electronics
thanks but i won't be needing it, i've was given wrong info by people on the Abit forum no less. you don't need to have 24Amps on the +12Volt rail. it was what jerry said the mobo was grounded all i had to do was unscrew the srew slightly and everything works perfectly thanks for the help
Well done for sorting it, and a beer for Jerry746.................. Always worth powering up the motherboard just on a bench if you encounter similar issues.................
Some dummy I know (me) did the same thing with his first home built computer. Once you make a mistake like that it stays in the back of your mind forever. If you know which screw was grounding, best to put a plastic washer on it to insulate it so it doesn't happen again. Good luck with your new PC build. Jerry