Just bought a new Plextor 716UF, it burns beautifully but when you turn it on it so noisy, is it supposed to be this way? Does anyone else have this drive, and do they like it? Want to know so if this is a problem I can return it before the 30 days.
That Plextor should be so silent, you can't hear it if you put your ear up to it. Well, slight hyperbole, but it should be the quietest drive you have ever NOT heard.
Thank you, I used it last night and love the way it burns, but when I turn it on it is as loud as my computer, so back it goes. Again thanks.
Returned the drive and got another, and it is blissfully silent. I loove the drive, backed up three movies, and they came out beautifully. I love the features, I will be playing in Plex-tools for weeks. Thanks guys for your input, it was hard to know if the drive was bad if you have nothing to compare it too, you provided that comparison. Nice to have AD to get answers. Again thanks, I am happily burning again
In Plex Tools, you should have the option to enable silent mode http://www.cdfreaks.com/article/170/2
Off the wall question, can your Plextor PX-716A make a 1:1 backup of Safedisc 3.1(Prince Of Persia, Call Of Duty) or 4.0(The Sims 2 University)? My Plex can make a 1:1 backup of Safedisc 3.1, but no luck with Safedisc 4.0