I have a version 1.0 xbox with a matrix mod chipinstalled. Thte mod chip has had to be realigned a few times and always worked fine. The last time, I thought it had to be realigned and I tried to do it. ( I am an extreme newbie) I tried without the manual and couldn't get it because I didn't know where to put it, I just thought it had to be close. So I got the manual and realigned it. It blinks green like it should. Then I plug in the hard drive and disk drive and when I turn it on, the chip blinks green once and then red. The power goes on and off and on and off then starts the red and green blinking. I have seen the power change before, but never seen the mod chip change from green to red. It only changes color when I plug in the hard drive and disk drive. Is my xbox fried? My hard drive? My mod chip? Never seen or heard of this problem. (I left it in mode 1 to see if I got it in right)
If you are getting a flashing red then green, that is what you called a FRAG (Flashing Red and Green). All that it means is that the chip is not alligned correctly. its no big deal. your box is fine. just allign it up right and you should be good.
yup!! a good thing to do is a little more cleaning on the d0 or even solder a wire to the d0 and to the chip (I decided, solderless chips are pants)
Sounds like you aren't getting good ground to the chip or when you put in the DVD tray its hitting a certain part of the chip. Ya, no solder=no good