New Program Released! - - (Right Click) Allow, Block or Remove - Windows Firewall

Discussion in 'Windows - Virus and spyware problems' started by 2oldGeek, Jan 9, 2014.

  1. 2oldGeek

    2oldGeek Active member

    Jun 16, 2005
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    78 - (Right Click) Allow, Block or Remove - Windows Firewall

    The point of this program is to make adding/removing programs to/from your Windows firewall easier than ever.

    This program will add a right click option to all .exe and .com programs, allowing you to allow, block or remove a program from the Windows firewall in 1 click.

    But as the rest of my programs I have gone an extra step, "Shane" style if you will :-D

    When you add a program to the firewall, all rules that have the same file path will be removed first and then a new single rule is added.
    This can greatly help when a user has multiple different rules for a program and they don't realize it.
    A lot of times those rules can conflict and create problems.
    Now all those extra rules are removed during the process.

    Also when you allow a program through the firewall the settings in the rule are to allow any protocol, any port and allow edge transport.
    Basically the settings in the rule are to let the program be fully allowed through.

    Aside from allowing programs through you can also block them if need be.
    Same thing happens, all current rules that point to the same program are removed and a single new rule is added that blocks the program on every protocol and every port.

    And just for those users who like to keep things clean, there is also an option to remove all rules for a program from the firewall.
    Nice feature to have when you are uninstalling a game or program and don't want the rules in the firewall any more.

    All 3 of these options are just 1 click.

    You can also select multiple .exe and .com files at once to make things even faster. All done through Windows Explorer.


    Extract all files from the zip folder. Make sure to save them in a folder that wont be moved or deleted.

    Once extracted run the Right_Click_Options.exe in the extracted folder and then in that program click on "Add Right Click Menu".

    That's it! That will add the right click menu options to all .exe and .com files. Nothing is installed or written anywhere else.

    To uninstall just run Right_Click_Options.exe again and click "Remove Right Click Menu" and then simply delete all the files in the program folder.

    If for any reason you move the files to a new folder you need to run the "Add Right Click Menu" option again so the registry keys will be updated with the new file paths. - (Right Click) Allow, Block or Remove - Windows Firewall
    Download -->
  2. aldan

    aldan Active member

    Mar 24, 2007
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    now that sounds interesting.
  3. 2oldGeek

    2oldGeek Active member

    Jun 16, 2005
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    for those who just can't learn to set the rules in win firewall. like me:)
  4. aldan

    aldan Active member

    Mar 24, 2007
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    thats precisely why its interesting to
  5. 2oldGeek

    2oldGeek Active member

    Jun 16, 2005
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    I have a router, hardware firewall with SPI (Stateful Packet Inspection). By using my Windows firewall it’s like wearing suspenders AND a belt, suggesting I can’t trust my pants.
    Having said that, I do have programs that call out to bad sites and normally MBAM Pro will block them. However, by blocking the outgoing calls that MBAM might miss, with the Win Firewall, just adds a little more security to my already much layered security plan.

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