Hi, I believe Virginmedia updated it's anti-piracy software 7th October 2009 (or so I'm told) Most of my channels do not work now. Only the basic ones. I use Starview 4 USB The Box Super Can anyone help me locate a fix , if there even is one yet? or is someone working on one? thanks.
they might have changed the keys.if ur box havnt got the latest software it will not update.check that the key code is on.
hmmm its worked fine for 1 year, i was told there was a UK problem I'll try , my firmware might be out of date, anyone have a link to lastest?
my system information screen is: Model ID: C500 S/W version: 1.05 beta boot version: b-11 Date: Nov 29 2008 I guess it's out of date :/
im in irl m8 so im not sure witch firmware you should be using.its just possible that it might be what i said.dats if ur only left with the freeview channels.
did factory reset and code key on uploaded v1.10 which is latest for UK, scotland chanells still not working, from what im reading im not the only one
left it 5min after new firmware and it's all working now guess my v1.05 beta was just outdated v1.10 is working great just to let other people know that may encounter same problem
You should have v 1.12 you can get it here http://www.4shared.com/file/124857901/b446a980/TheboxSuperUSB_V112.html The latest firmware for all boxes is contained in the link at the bottom of my post and most of the addicts too.
had the sam problems here last night had no sports or movies but woke up this moring ang all our back lucky meeeeeeeeeee
Is there an autoupdate fix for the older Starview boxes? Been fine since May, but hit 2 days running now. My box is around 3 years old, thanks
When you say "older Starview boxes" which is it 1-2-3? - if it is the original Starview 1 (Just says Starview front top left hand side of box) then you should have the December 08 fix which is still CryptStar-v1.5.zip AU. It contains 2 bin files Core.257 for the clone (But it is perfectly safe for the Genuine if in any doubt) and Core.400 for Genuine, you will find all available Firmware in Eamo's FTA Library - link at the bottom, just look in the folder bearing the name of your box, there does appear to be a daily roll in progress in the UK at present. Edit:- Should say that you should be posting in the relevant thread to your box, it is a no no to hijack someone else's thread with regards to a different model (i.e. SV4), just a friendly bit of guidance.
Malci, thanks for the advise, will update mine when I take my box to a mates, not much success with a laptop and serial/USB adaptor last time! Cheers
howya lads i have a SV 4 USB and all i have are the freeview channels. is there a fix out there for me to get all if any channels back. Thanks in advance.
Hi jeff79 - link for latest firmware for Super 4 usb for Irl is below. However, starview 4 is not delivering premium channels in Ireland and to date there is no fix for this problem. I think there is a concensus that it will be a long while before there is. Starview have released the starview 5 box but this does not solve n*l problem in Ireland either. Daxon http://www.4shared.com/dir/3042613/f6e3421c/sharing.html