I think I know what unlocking means, please correct me if I'm wrong on this. Unlocking-to make a phone free from the network it was meant to be used on. But this is about all I know. Questions 1-If I sell a phone or give it away but the person i give/sell it to decides to use the same company is unlocking needed? 2-Why can't I just take teh sim out and give just the phone? 3-Is it illegal? Not that I care, just would like to know. 4-Selling, does that mean unlocking is needed period? Thank you.
Companies lock phones because they don't want, for example, you to take an "exclusive phone" like say the motorola ROKR to be used on other carriers. Why is this? well they paid to have the rights to be the only ones in selling that phone, its supposed to be an attraction for people to join cingular because it's the only company that can give yoou a ROKR. Once the phone is unlocked, it can be used in any network just by swapping sim cards. If you take out a sim card and change it for a card of another carrier without unlocking the phone will ask you for an unlocking code. Whether it is ilegal or not, I assume it is not ilegal because unlocking service is sold over ebay and even on local stores. If you are going to sell a cingular phone to someone who's going to use it on cingular no need to unlock. If you are going to sell that same phone to someone using T-mobile then unlocking is needed for the phone to function in T-mobile. Hope to be of help. Thanks and have a nice day.
This is kinda stupid but, what happens if I don't cancel my contract w/ the phone company? Can I just take the sim out and use a different phone and have the account transfered along w/ teh sim? So is a phone just a phone?