New verbatims causing coasterfest

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by finalfx, Aug 8, 2008.

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  1. finalfx

    finalfx Member

    Aug 8, 2008
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    Hello everyone, I have been burning 360 games for approx 2 years now and always used the older verbatims dl's that were light purple. So now I have a proper Soul Caliber image and .dvd file and im tryign to burn as usual. My only problem is I bought a new stack of Verbatims with the new dark purple wrapping and the side says they were made in singapore. I have burned the game 3x and have 3 coasters, when I put them in the computer the "please place in 360" video plays so it's not looking like a bad burn. When I put it in the 360 it tries to read then says "unplayable disk". My set up is as following...

    Hitachi47 - iXtreme firmware (recent can't remember which version)
    Pioneer 111D- Latest firmware
    Verbatim dvd+r DL made in singapore.

    I'm honestly stumped so if anyone knows anything i'd appreciate it. Thanks.
  2. czax808

    czax808 Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    Wassup finalfx, I've had that prob. before...S'posedly changing the laser inside the console helps.. it helped for me..or u mite wanna try cleaning the lens n try dat route first...hope this helped.
  3. finalfx

    finalfx Member

    Aug 8, 2008
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    I believe the laser to be fine as it reads originals and my other backups made on older DL's
  4. Jugulator

    Jugulator Guest

    Get a new burner!!!

    I always had Pioneer, the first was a 102 then a 104 that I used till it died! Literaly.

    Everything looked fine until I started having bad burns with good media. The drive read everything and sometimes with other types of media I was actually able to successfully burn a dvd/cd. It read perfectly.

    After checking cables, updating firmwares, formating the computer... I was like "Oh, yeah I must have burned more than 2000 discs"

    So, if that's the case man... Buy a new burner!
  5. varnull

    varnull Guest

    It could be something to do with the formula and manufacture of the disks.. there are such things as a bad batch from time to time.

    How about a couple of scans of the old and new burns? (see the nero quality scans topic for more info on doing that)

    As above it could well be your burner if it is getting on, but suspicious that it has only started with a different disk formulation.
  6. 1bonehead

    1bonehead Guest

    Have you tried dvd identifier on the discs ? Verbatim subs out their disc manufactoring, and INdia and China are the latest. MIS was always the Gold standard in +R dl Verbs, but now ......

    Possible a mis wrap ?
  7. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    Try posting in the correct forum, this is not a 360 forum.
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