Hi, im looking to upgrade my video card in my computer since some games i try to play i cant play because it says i need a card with pixelshader 2.0 support. Where can i buy a cheaper card that supports that. I Really dont want to spend over like $50 for new card. My computer has a pci slot for the card.
So i looked around on newegg and none of the cards seem to mention anything about pixelshader. But i read the pixelshader 2.0 is associated with directX 9.0. So i found this card. Im not looking for anything really good, just something better than my cheap integrated card that came with the computer. Is this a deicent buy? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814133233
I don't think that has pixel shader support either. You will need an AGP or PCI express slot for a decent card - if you do, a card that has PS2.0 support for 50 bucks won't be hard.