I need a new video card but I'm not sure which one to get. This is my PC http://support.gateway.com/s/PC/R/4053/4053sp3.shtml I haven't changed anything on it besides getting a bigger hard drive. I'll mostly just play Counter-Strike Source on it. Do I need to add more ram too? I'll use this until I eventually make my own PC. I don't want to spend more than 80$ on the new card. It says I have one free PCI-E x16 slot available. So should I definitely get a PCI-E card?
You will also need a new power supply if you get anything decent. if you don't get anything decent, you'll be able to play CS:S but not much else. This assumes a new PSU will fit that PC...
This is the PSU that's currently in it http://www.dynexproducts.com/pc-363-28-dynex-400-watt-atx-cpu-power-supply.aspx Would I need to change the PSU too?