i'm planing on putting a mod chip in my xbox and want to upgrade the harddrive at the same time. will any brand of hard drive work? and is there anything special i need to do to it? partition/formating?
I believe just about any Hard Drive will work as long as it's IDE/ATA type with 40-pin connector. Get Slayer's to format your HDD.
Depending on what chip you get you mihgt not need slayers, I have the X3 and a 300gig hard drive, and i didn't need slayers, because the x3 bios has so many features, that slayers is kinda pointless. By the way i have a Maxtor. I would also recomend the X3 awesome chip.
twinski, [bold]were[bold][bold]were[bold][bold]were[bold] did you score that deal email me at Frog_meistroe@hotmail.com i am a version 1.0 xbox holder
I want to upgrade my xbox HD and bought WD200g HD,and i wanted to format it by useing softmod is there anything special i need to do to it? partition/formating?
all u need to do is get evox.xbe your c and e drive and evox.ini. first take your ini and in the menu get rid of everything after unlockhd and put [Menu] Section "Install Menu" { Item "Install New Drive",@210 Item "Settings",@9 Item "Reboot",@5 } [Action_10] Info "Install HDD" Warning "This will format all drives" Warning "Make sure you have a backup of C & E" Progress "Formatting Drives" ConfigSector "backupdisk.bin" Format c: Format e: Format f: Format g: Format x: format y: format z: [Action_11] [Action_12] also take out any # before the option lock hdd. then save it and put evox.xbe renamed as default.xbe and the new ini onto a disk. now boot your xbox normally and put the disk in the drive. boot to it. now hotswap the new drive into the xbox and click install hdd. after that is done ftp to it and put the c and e drives on. in the ini u must config it to use both f and g drives.now click lock hdd. take the disk out and reboot.your new drive is installed.
so just only evox.xbe i need? and is there anything special programe that i can burn it wid on to the dics
you have to add that extra stuff to the ini and then burn both the evox.xbe and the evox.ini to a disk with any burning program.
sorry guys ive been gone for a while. But if anyone needs help with anything just reply to this thread and ill try to help sorry i couldn't help sooner.
just put a 40 gig in my xbox do i need fans to cool it,i think its over heating,when ive been playing games on my hard drive for a while and switch off ,when i switch back on i have probs booting back up,the eject light flashes on and off,if i leave it for a while it works again does this mean my xbox is on the way out
dont mean to sound thick but how do you get into your bios,i went system management and it says my bios is unknown,the chip was already flashed when i got it and i had to install slayers myself i think its M8 bios
i'm going to put a 250gig hd in my xbox. i have already installed slayer's evox auto installer. i looked through the whole menu section in the evox.ini file, and there isn't anything that says unlockhd. here's what is in my file under menu: [Menu] Section "Root" { Item "Play Game or Media from DVDROM Drive",ID_Launch_DVD Section "Play Games from HD" { Line "- Games on the Hard Drive -",2 AutoAddItem "E:\GAMES\" AutoAddItem "E:\HDDLoader\" AutoAddItem "f:\GAMES\" AutoAddItem "f:\HDDLoader\" SortAll } Item "Game Trainers",ID_trainer Item "DVD MOVIE Player - Region Free","f:\Apps\DVDX\default.xbe" Section "Self Installed Emulators" { Line "- Emulators on Hard Drive -",2 AutoAddItem "f:\Apps\Emulators\" SortAll } Item "Xbox Media Player - XBMP","f:\Apps\XBMP\default.xbe" Item "XboX Gentoo LINUX - Self Add-On","e:\gentooxx.xbe" Section "System Management" { Item "Game Management on Xbox HD","f:\Apps\HDDLoader\default.xbe" Item "Game and Media Backup Tool","f:\Apps\DvD2XboX\default.xbe" Item "Choose a Different Skin",ID_Skins Section "Launch Apps from HD" { Line "- Media and File Managers -",2 Item "Dvd2Xbox Media Copier","f:\Apps\Dvd2Xbox\default.xbe" Item "PxHDD Loader","f:\Apps\HDDLoader\default.xbe" Item "Xbox File Explorer","f:\Apps\boXplorer\default.xbe" Line "- Auto Added Items -",2 SortStart AutoAddItem "e:\Apps\" AutoAddItem "f:\Apps\" SortEnd i've never put a hd in an xbox before, so i want to make sure that i don't fusk anything up. also the evox.xbe file that you mentioned, is that called evoxdash.xbe? that's all i see in the folder that i found the evox.ini file in. i appreciate any help that anyone can give me. thanks!
the files can be called something else yes as long as that is what your xbox boots to. in section root put this line after the last "item"line you have Item "Unlock Harddisk",@211 that will unlock the hd. also if you put this in Item "Lock Harddisk",@210 it will lock the hd with that xboxs key so you will need both.
i got the hd in fine using slayer's evox auto installer, but it's a 250 gig and it's only recognizing half of the size. does it only read as half the size, and actually store up to 250gigs? or is there something that i need to do to fix this?