Hello, I'm trying to get a higher speed IDE cable into my XBox version 1.4, and I've tried a standard ide cable that I had laying around. I've done some reading, and discovered that the cable included in it is only rated at a speed of ata 33 or 66, depending, and that a higher speed cable can increase video playback speeds, etc. Anyways, regardless of what anyone's thoughts are on the actual speed differential, I'm trying to find a place to find that will sell what is referred to as an "Uncut" IDE cable rated around ATA 166, or even 200. Does anyone know where to get this cable, that will work in the system? I'm not sure if there is another phrase for 'uncut' but it has to do with the 40th pin being striped, apparently many IDE cables have that striped 40th pin either cut or disabled somehow because it causes problems in some PCs. Again, any help is much appreciated!