Hello, I recently obtained a dell optiplex from a county auction. The HD had been cleared. I tried installing Win98SE using a startup disk because the HD doesnt recognize my CD-ROM. I tried using another cd-rom but it didnt work either, I also swapped the cd-rom from the non working comp and it works fine in my other machine. The cd-rom is a liteon 483s. I havent been able to locate a driver that i know will work. Even if i do find the drivers i dont know exactly how to load them from dos. I havent ruled out the idea of getting a combo drive dvd/cd rom, If i do this, how do i load the drivers for it from dos, or is there something else i'm missing. Thanks for any help, i really enjoy this site.
You dont need to install drivers as the setup disc for windows 98SE will put them in.... Does it boot from the CD? Make sure you have the boot priority set in the BIOS..... In the BIOS set your: -1st boot device to CDROM -2nd boot device to Floppy -3rd boot device to Hard Disc
have you checked the bios to see if the cd-rom drive is recognized by the comp?have you checked the bios at all for that matter?
I think i have the bios set right already, I have tried it several different ways. If i try to boot from hd it says no operating system, if i try to boot from floppy, it goes through the process of asking me if i want to boot with or without cd-rom support. Either way it tells me drive not detected or something like that, i have the comp at work and cant remember the exact way it is worded. The cd-rom is not being detected as it is listed in bios. The cd-rom is getting power and i have tried a different cable, i even tried different jumpers on the rom itself, changing it from cable select to master. I will check the comp again and let you know exactly what it does with different scenarios.
well obviously if the bios doesnt detect your drive it has something to do with the way it is connected.cable not inserted properly,you didnt connect the cable pin 1 to drive pin 1 or ide slot pin 1,or something like that.switch ide slots on the mobo and see if the cd-rom registers in bios.and if the hd registers where the cd-rom was once plugged in.
I got bios to detect the cd-rom. Somehow it had been set to none, and i switched the cd-rom to auto, now it is in bios but now i have other problems. When i try to start from floppy disk it gives me the following message, I/O error replace disk and press any key. This is the same disk i was using before. If i try to load from cd, it tells me, Media test failure, Check cable, Exiting pxe, Missing operating system. What is pxe? It is in bios as a bootup item.
make sure you didnt unplug the floppy drive while you were messing with the cables.both the floppy cable and power cable.
i made another startup disk and the new disk is working properly. isnt windows supposed to load by itself? when i use the startup disk, i eventually get the prompt where it says start with or without cd-rom help, either way, if i choose with or without, it goes through until i get the the a prompt in ms-dos. what do i need to do when i get there?
you choose with cd-rom help.then when you get to the prompt switch to the directory the cd-rom is on(like c:> or d:>).i think you then type [bold]setup[/bold] and press enter and then installation should begin.
if hd is formatted with 1 partition, select #1: with cd-rom support. boot disk will make a ram drive called d: so e: will be your rom drive. so at the arompt type e: enter, type setup & enter.
Ok guys, I got it finally. My original disk is crap i think. I borrowed a 98se disk from a friend and it worked the first time. It took some time but it was much better than paying someone to fix it. Thanks a lot, the help is greatly appreciated. Bryan