wow i found afterdawn years ago when i first modded my xbox and forgot about it. now, years later, after searching for about 15-20 minutes on google for info on hacked satellite here i am again. crazy. ok im a poor college student and me and my two roomates want cable&internet but can't afford it. luckily there are about a million people with wireless routers unsecured just waiting to be used so now we are looking for a way to get some television in here for free. some friend of a friend has a pansat 3500, which is what lead me here, and after some reading and searching, i guess dish has recently put a stop to all the pirates out there. then viewsats recently got a hack for it to work again? coolsats and pansats pending? should i get a viewsat/pansat/coolsat? do any have a good DVR like dish or direcTV boxes? is this going to just be a waste with all the effort dish has recently put into stopping it? are there any other alternatives to get cable/satellite free?
Maybe you should re-check the forum rules also. Absolutely no piracy/descrambler discussions are allowed here. **Cough Coolsat cough** The sat companies change the key codes about once a month. The keys are 2 sets of numbers/letters, 16 digits in each key. The new bin files that are loaded into the receivers are designed to find the keys automatically but at times you have to know how to manually enter them if needed. During some encryption changes your receiver may be completely down for a few days to a week depending on how big a change there is in the encrypyion sequence. Its all a game and you need to learn how to play it properly. Do a search for FTA forums, join one and do a lot of reading on the receiver you decide to purchase. Have fun. Jerry746 from our forums is very adept in this matter, He may be able to help you with the .bin codes should you need help, But I have said all I can say on this matter. I myself cant offer to much help sorry, Welcome back to the forums.