Newbie AR DS Question PLEASE HELP!

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by KalistoCA, Mar 7, 2008.

  1. KalistoCA

    KalistoCA Member

    Mar 5, 2006
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    Hey all;

    Well my position as the worst Father ever is being cemented with this Action Replay DS.

    I am trying to add a code that I found online I have all the alpha numeric (hex data i guess) that was listed on the site.

    I have no clue how to get that into the DS, assumingly I need to make a game file and then copy it but I have no clue how to do that the Actio Replay Code Manager.

    I feel like a total n00b. Any help would be fantasic to help me raise my status with my kid to just "Dad is an idiot"


  2. snorlax22

    snorlax22 Regular member

    Aug 27, 2007
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    No fear. The Dad brotherhood will help you through.

    What game do you want to add to? What code do you want to add? What version of the AR software (when you fire it off right click in the top bar, select about action replay code manager, and see what it says)?

    Can we assume you have some code that looks something like this?

    94000130 FCFF0000
    B21C4D28 00000000
    B0000004 00000000
    E001E408 00000010
    0153013A 0149014F
    01450157 FFFF015A
    1001E418 00000000
    2001E52B 00000012
    E00172C0 00000088
    C7E2F805 D87E0000

  3. KalistoCA

    KalistoCA Member

    Mar 5, 2006
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    Hey it was a Pokemon Pearl code, and yes that is what the code looks like.

    I'm use v1.01 which according to codejunkies is the latest version.

    I'm finally starting to feel my age here, best part is I'm an IT guy LOL (n00B).

    Dad Brotherhood unite.



  4. snorlax22

    snorlax22 Regular member

    Aug 27, 2007
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    1. Be careful with some of the Pokemon codes, some are just goofy and it is pretty easy to make your own with Pokesav anyway.

    2. There is more than one way to do this. I found difficult to figure out but you can do it. There is a difference between an arrogant thinks-they-know-everything-when-they-don't-know-jack n00b and a simply doesn't understand and doesn't have the experience doing it newb. You're a newb, not a n00b.

    3. I am pretty sure I could type this out from memory, but as sure as I try it I'll mess it up- let me get in front of the correct machine and I'll give you the step by step tonight.

    New Proud Member of the DB- Represent!

  5. snorlax22

    snorlax22 Regular member

    Aug 27, 2007
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    Well, actually now that I look I have 1.05, so I don't think 1.01 is the latest. In the upper right on the AR software window, there should be an icon that when you mouse over you can use to do a "software upgrade".

    Like I said, there are different ways to do this. With your current version of software, the easiest way is probably this:

    1. Copy the following into a text editor:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <name>Pokemon Pearl (USA)</name>
    <gameid>APAE 31D0AFDE</gameid>

    [paste your cheat code here]


    2. Replace the middle bit with your code and save the file as an .xml file named something you can remember put somewhere you can find it.

    3. Go find the file and drag it onto the left hand "nintendo ds" panel in the action replay software. Say yes and let it do all its overwriting stuff. It will wipe out what is already there but it doesn't matter becasue you can just reload and update it to get it back.

    4. You have to have had the AR in the fired up DS to do step 3. You have that part figured out, correct?

    5. When you drag the xml file over it will update. The DS screen will say "writing" and "deleting" etc, along with some big numbers. You're done from the software end. Quit the AR software.

    6. Go to the DS. Hit the house to go back a screen. Hit the wrench and then hit the disc and that will let you save the changes to the AR device. That brings you back where it says "Insert game cart". Pop out the AR device. Pop in your game. Hit the asterisk and see the top screen say <add new code>. Select "kalisto" or whatever you called it if you changed that. It may prompt you to add a new game the first time you do this. Do that if you need to. Select your game and the code to add in to the game. Pop out the game and pop the AR device back in. It says saving changes and puts a little code on the bottom left which I find oddly reassuring. I always do the wrench and disc save as well here for insurance even though I may not need to. Switch the AR for the game again. Hit the star and the Pokesav generated should already be checked. Hit start and get the game going. This is a lot easier then it sounds and will become just a quick shuffle once you do it a few times.

    7. Get in game. You have to hit the L and R buttons to have the code take effect. That means you hold down the button labeled L and R on the outside of the DS (under the flipped up top and on the bottom part) together at the same time for a few seconds to turn on whatever code you loaded from the AR device. These are also called the shoulder buttons. Not the x shaped direction thing and the a-b-x-y buttons. Save your game.

    Let me know if I missed something or glossed over something you don't get, or if you flat can't get it to work.

    If you upgrade your software, you can use the "add new cheat" thing which might be easier. Try it this way first and we'll do the other if you can't get this to go.


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