Newbie Building a Computer Your Imput is needed

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by thelotus, Mar 5, 2005.

  1. thelotus

    thelotus Member

    Mar 5, 2005
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    Hello I am new to building computers and well i'm stuck when it comes to the motherboard and cpu and ram I don't know what is the best combinaion and i'm to lazy to look for it so i thought that you guys could help. I would like the system to overclock pretty well and i here that the AMD Athlon 64 3200 939 does a pretty good job but what RAM and motherboard should i get. By the way my computer consist of
    Logitech z-5300 speakers,
    Western Digital 80 GB WD800JB,
    a Sony DVD-Rom DDU1613/B2,
    a Sony DVD+/-RW Sony DW-D22A-B2
    and thats it I also don't know what video and sound card would be good so any help will be apriciated. Right now i'm running about 244 dollars into this thing and i don't plan on dropping more that 600 dollars if possible
  2. pulsar

    pulsar Active member

    Dec 31, 2003
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    Asus have a good rep for 64bit m/boards. I would get 1gig 400RAM. Buy a decent make, Kingston, Corsair, there are lots to choose from. Sound cards are cheap enough, depends if you want 5.1 surround or stereo. When you say video card, what EXACTLY do you mean? Sorry to sound thick, but I think that my brain just fell out!
  3. pulsar

    pulsar Active member

    Dec 31, 2003
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    Do you mean graphics card, or video capture card?
  4. thelotus

    thelotus Member

    Mar 5, 2005
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    Yeah sorry chief i ment a graphics card, umm i have 5.1 with the logitech setup but i think i can handel that part its the video card that also give me trouble
    i don't know what would be a good one for like 100-120
  5. pulsar

    pulsar Active member

    Dec 31, 2003
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    I guess it all depends what sort of games you want to play & how much you have to fork out. The sky can be the limit! Personally, I prefer Nvidia chipset cards. I think that driver support is better than ATI. Saying that, a Radeon 9800pro is a VERY nice & capable card, & they are relatively cheap nowadays.
    I had a Phillips 5.1 card, it was cheap, £30, or 60 or so dollars.
    I am not sure if you can overclock the 64bit Athlons. I know my 3200 Barton is locked @ 2.2gig. To be honest I do not think that you really need to clock such a processor.
    The AMD "Mobiles" are very good for clocking, lower voltage to keep temps down as they are for laptops. I would get a 64bit myself.
    As far as money is concerned you do get what you pay for.
    You say you are "too lazy" to look. I would read a few reviews & scan Afterdawn for recommendations for hardware. We do like it when people do a bit of leg work round these parts!

    Kind Regards,
  6. Liez4Love

    Liez4Love Regular member

    Dec 16, 2004
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    for a sound card i would get the Creative SB Audigy 2 sound blaster,,, this thing is great for 5.1 speakers or higher, but unless you get 5.1 or higher, dont get it, because it would be worthless, let me tell you, i have 5.1 , 1200 watts speakers, and when i crank it as high as it can go, my whole house shakes and the subwoofer is amazing,, you could have a trance party in my room, and Call of Duty :UO is AWESOME with these speakers, any way for a video card thats great on money, i would get the NVIDIA Ge Force 5000, coz its a decent price and defintly good graphix, but i guess that really depends on you mointer.. I have a 2000xsomething moniter and my graphix card can only support 1800x something, so im gona buy a new graphix card that can truely max out my mointer.

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