Newbie - Can someone please help me?

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by chaos1000, Jul 3, 2002.

  1. chaos1000

    chaos1000 Guest

    I thought I had successfully ripped and burned Fast Times at Ridgemont high (DVD9). The DVD-R played flawlessly in my computer. However, when I tried to use a Standalone player it began to load the DVD and then automatically ejected the disc. Any ideas? Please help, I am desperate.
  2. dvdlover1

    dvdlover1 Guest

    Please explain the steps you followed to make the dvd-r, how you ripped it, did you downsampled the movie, did you stripped out audio streams?

    But I think I know what the problem is. After ripping the DVD to HD, you can do some adjustments (strip streams, resample video stream,...) to make it fit a DVD-R if the original is to large (> 4.38GB). As a last thing before you burn your DVD-R you have to use ifoedit and open video_ts.ifo. Then click "GET VTS SECTORS" and ifoedit will adjust some adressess. Just click yes in the boxes that appear and your done. If you then burn it to DVD-R it will play in your standalone as well.
    If you don't do this it will only play on your pc with windvd or powerdvd.

    good luck
  3. akronman

    akronman Guest

    It is not too difficult but there are more steps than making a vcd....

    Here is a step by step that is working great for me.....

    1. Rip movie files with smartripper
    2. use dvd2avi to set up a pointer file for TMPEnc.
    3. use TMPEnc to convert thos big fat vob's to a smaller size .. now here iss the tricky part....

    **** use the dvd low res. setting in the wizard follow the steps it takes your thru.

    After all that is done (usually takes anywhere from 2 5 hrs. to convert in TMPEGenc)

    you have a slim and trim mpg movie file.

    NOW the fum part...

    use sonics dvdit!

    follow the instructions in the software to get your mpg. file ready to go....

    hope this helps.....
  4. akronman

    akronman Guest

    boy my typing sucks ...
    2 to 5 hours to re -encod on my system.....

    useing amd t-Bird 1.4 ghz
    512 mb ram
  5. chaos1000

    chaos1000 Guest

    Thanks. Here is what I did;
    a. used Smartripper to rip movie to hard drive.
    b. Using Ifoedit 9.1, split into two dvd's with options vob extras, strip stream, stip vobids, correct vob-units, correct ifo, create new.
    c. copied missing video_ts.vob and other played title files.
    d. ran get vts sectors.
    e. tested movie using ifoedit player.
    f. burned to dvd-r.
  6. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    Don't ya love it when people work too hard and they don't have too??

    Have you tried DVD Shrink ?? It's free, will rip your movies in generally 30 to 40 minutes.
    It allows you to compress your larger DVD's to the necessary 4.36GB keep in or remove menus and trailers (ReAuthor) and provides you with a nice neat VIDEO_TS folder for you to have Nero or CloneDVD burn for you.
    Take a second and stop by here -

    A powerful program, easy to use -

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