I tried to maka a backup of my DVD but when I tried to copy it gave me an error "Error Reading Disk". It did on this particular DVD only. Does anyone know how to make this work? THanks...
Hi, love to be able to assist, but we need details as to what you are backing up and the programs u r using before we can u out, right now, I don't have a clue 2 what u r doing.
Not much(except the sun rises in the east and sets in the west)., as u have given not very much to work with. Sorry
I've read it and all it says is you can't copy a certain kid's movie with Nero. Q1) what is the certain(by name) kid's movie you are trying to copy? Q2) what region is it from (R1-8)
abc1232 ok most likely the problem is dvd shrink can't handle the copy protection of the movie you are doing(because dvd shrink hasn't been and won't be updated anymore) SO what you need to do first is rip the movie with dvdfab decrypter then transcode with dvd shrink (if dvd shrink still won't transcode it after using dvdfab decrypter you will need to run the file though FixVTS or VOB Blanker) then transcode with dvd shrink and burn with nero, imgburn or dvd decrypter. all this is the freeware route. another option is to use clonedvd 2 + anydvd and be done with it very fast easy to use plus lifetime updates to do the newer releases when they change the copy protection. theres a free 21 day trial you can download it here http://www.slysoft.com/en/ and a guide to use the program http://club.cdfreaks.com/f72/clonedvd-anydvd-guide-madbob-72022/ and a software page plus guides to use dvd shrink ,dvdfab decrypter etc. http://webpages.charter.net/bacitup/