Newbie Has Dumb Questions...Sorry

Discussion in 'Digital camcorders' started by tennagain, Jan 1, 2004.

  1. tennagain

    tennagain Guest

    Considering purchasing a Sony DSR TRV38. 1) Opinions on this camcorder?? 2) How would I view the mini DV tapes from the camcorder on my television? 3) Should I convert the mini DV tapes to a DVD for ease in viewing?

    Thanks for all the help.
  2. shorty2k

    shorty2k Member

    Feb 9, 2003
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    you should be given stanard composite video and audio outputs on this camcorder or an s-video output (or some other type of video output)

    *almost* all camcorders have one, just hook up the nesseracy cable to your TV/VCR and like *magic* you will be able to view your footage,

    now as for tranferring to DVD to watch it, well DVD is mpeg2 with a maximum bandwidth of 9.8MBS where as miniDV has a max bandwidth of 25 MBS and is much less compressive ie, the raw quality of the miniDV footage is gonna look much better than the transcoded mpeg2 thats not saying its bad,

    but if mpeg2 transcoding is done very well then yes it can yield extremly good quality BUT it takes money and time.
  3. malum

    malum Regular member

    Aug 22, 2002
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    Commercial DVD share the same bandwidth limitations and the quality is great. They start with a higher quality source of course.

    Even with the simple compression offered by cheap DVD packages the results are more than acceptable. More expensive packages such as Vegas Video (which I use and love) do a better job, but if you really want the best quality you need something like CCE (I also have this but I use Vegas for re-encoding as it is easier and quicker, the results are very very good)

    As long as you have the right settings you will be more than pleased with the reusult
  4. shorty2k

    shorty2k Member

    Feb 9, 2003
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    I have Vegas 4(havent used it much though) and have Cinema Craft Encoder SP, but though its fast and the quality is good it is limited in its functions as compared with TMPgenc which is much more flexiblle, and nearly as good in terms of quality.

    But i agree with Malum the quality is more than suffiecnt, you know while the avergave Joe more not even notice the tiny macro block compression around CG text, us perfectionist will always moan !! :)
  5. itguru

    itguru Member

    Jan 4, 2004
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    I have a Sony DCR-TRV19 Mini DV. I love it. It came with (RCA: White, Yellow, Red) cables to connect to the Television, and a USB cable to connect to the computer. If it is a good camcorder(it probably is), I recommend buying a firewire (4 -> 6) for the camcorder, and using that to copy video to your PC. If you have XP, and a Firewire connector on your computer, XP will recognize the camera as soon as it is plugged in, and you will be able to work immediately.

  6. othenn

    othenn Member

    Jan 6, 2004
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    I have heard that certain makes/OS only support certain makes of camcorders. Is this true? My lady has a dell running on ME and it don't work with her Sony. I have an HP running ME and want a camcorder which works with it. Any suggestions?
  7. itguru

    itguru Member

    Jan 4, 2004
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    My only suggestion is to get rid of ME and Install Windows XP. Hardware support is a jillion times better. ME is known all over the world as the worst operating system ever produced by microsoft.

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