Newbie having trouble with Minority Report

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by Doz, Dec 21, 2002.

  1. Doz

    Doz Member

    Dec 20, 2002
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    Hi chaps, Im getting a bit frustrated as ive just bought Minority Report and want to back it up onto 2 DVD-R's (so that i get a perfect copy) before my kids try to insert it into the toater (as they once did with my Saving Private Ryan) but being a total newbie to this i am having some real difficulty as my first attempts havent worked - this is no doubt down to the bogus VOB that has mentioned. To give you a little background i have succesfully backed The Lord Of The Rings - Fellowship of the ring onto 2 DVD-R's using the tutorial at the following link :-

    I basically copied the same procedure but it hasn't worked for Minority Report.

    so far i have ripped the files form the DVD using DVDDecrypter onto my Hard drive and have the following files :- (sorry to be longwinded)
    VIDEO_TS.BUP 14kb
    VIDEO_TS.IFO 14kb
    VIDEO_TS.VOB 12kb
    VTS_01_0.IFO 104kb
    VTS_01_0.BUP 104kb
    VTS_01_0.VOB 633,350kb kb
    VTS_01_1.VOB 1,048,412 kb
    VTS_01_2.VOB 1,048,208 kb
    VTS_01_3.VOB 1,048,268 kb
    VTS_01_4.VOB 1,048,448 kb
    VTS_01_5.VOB 1,048,324 kb
    VTS_01_6.VOB 1,048,396 kb
    VTS_01_7.VOB 906,734 kb
    VTS_02_0.IFO 18kb
    VTS_02_0.BUP 18kb
    VTS_02_0.VOB 12kb
    VTS_02_1.VOB 984kb
    VTS_03_0.IFO 18kb
    VTS_03_0.BUP 18kb
    VTS_03_0.VOB 12kb
    VTS_03_1.VOB 21,384kb

    I'd normally open the VTS_01_0.IFO file using IfoEdit v0.94 and select the option to split onto 2 DVD-R's and let it create the 2 directories and copy the files as requires before reopening the IFO fies and making them region free and getting the new VTS sectors.
    I'd then edit the PGC on disk 2 as per the tutorial to make it start the film off from the split point when play was pressed on the standalone DVD player. An image would then be made using IMGTool and burnt using DVDDecrypter.

    Alas, this hasnt worked.sob,sob,.....

    If anyone can instruct me with Newbie-like instructions as to what to do to make this work, i would be eternally grateful. I am a true Newbie (had DVD burner only 1 week)(Sony DRU-500a) but i do pick things up quickly.

    Thanks in anticipation
  2. Bungyhole

    Bungyhole Guest

    Well, if I was trying to do what you are doing, id use CladDVD XP, but im not sure if that will work on any OS other than XP. Using that program is fairly straight forward.

    Usually id tell it to make the whole Movie into one Vob file, then id use another program (vobsplitter) to split it in half, then with your DVD burner just open the program and tell it to make one vob on one Dvd and the other vob on another DVD.

    To my knowledge, this should work fine. Although I didnt explain it in the simplest form like you asked, I think you should be able to understand.

    Hope that helps in anyway.
  3. Doz

    Doz Member

    Dec 20, 2002
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    Thanks Bungyhole, ive got win XP so i'll give that a try when i get in from work this evening. Do you know if this method will also make the menu's available on the second disk ? for example so you could select a chapter ?

    thanks again your help really is appreciated. ;-)
  4. jimmydvd

    jimmydvd Member

    Dec 1, 2002
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    use DVD decrypter and only select the main movie files and burn from there.
    Unless you want to keep ALL the extras etc.
    This will also keep the file smaller to fit on a 4.7gb dvd.
  5. Doz

    Doz Member

    Dec 20, 2002
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    Unfortunately the main movie files for this film are almost 7GB so theres no chance of moving it onto just 1 dvd-r without encoding it, i wanted to split it onto 2 dvd-r's to retain the extras and quality.

    Ive tried the suggestion of saving it to a single VOB file and splitting it in 2 parts, but how then would i get the .IFO and .BUP files for that VOB file ?

    Am i correct in saying i need a VIDEO_TS file in both extensions on the disk b4 i image the file and burn it ?
  6. Doz

    Doz Member

    Dec 20, 2002
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    Ive tried everything i can think of, this damn thing still wont work, oh......if only i wernt a newbie

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