newbie in need of help [DSOrganiser]

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by Ace2bd, May 11, 2007.

  1. Ace2bd

    Ace2bd Member

    May 11, 2007
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    hi, first time post so tell me if i have gone wrong somewhere...i have M3 simply but want the features of DSOrganiser [PDA function], can i place this onto the M3 simply despite M3's own Moonshell? if so how do i replace? etc...any help is welcome,
  2. mr_hanky

    mr_hanky Regular member

    Sep 6, 2004
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    Download DSorganize from dragonminded's site, also download the M3/R4 exec_stub file.

    Extract the .nds and folder from the DSorganize download to the root of your MicroSD card, locate the exec_stub file and replace it with the M3/R4 version your downloaded, patch the DSorganize nds file with DLDI, you can run DSorganize from the Game menu of the M3.

    If you want to run it directly from the Media icon you must first find the file "_DS_MSHL.NDS" and rename it to something such as "Moonshell.nds". Now rename the DSorganize nds file to "_DS_MSHL.NDS" Now you can run DSorganize by selecting the Media icon, and run Moonshell from within the Game menu.

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