I am new at this, just trying to get the basics. What are the main differences between the two. I have found a pre-modded xbox for $350. This is the link http://www.ioffer.com/i/Modded-Xbox-160-GIG-HD-50-games-5000-classics-3265651 (I hope posting the link is ok, if not I will re-phrase my ?) Is this a good deal? It is not a mod-chip, what are the advantages and/or disadvantages? What I am interested in is xbox live, using the system as a media player for mp3's through my reciever, games and a dvd player. I know I am asking for a lot of input, so any input would be greatly appreciated. thanks, jtrage
Hi this is only "MY" opinion but i feel that the path of softmod is own littered with pitfalls to the noob. and in my opinion you would be better to either get a premodded xbox or buy a mochip AFTER READING ALL tuts you can. With a sdoftmod if the tsop has been flashed you might not be able to go live. regards
Thanks for your reply. After more research I came to the same conclusion. I have read through most tuts and I do not feel comfortable modding on my own, at least for my first modded xbox. I have found another site that offers a premodded brand new system with a 250gb HD, 3 emus, and a xecuter lite for $450 or a xenium ice for $15 more. They also preload severol apps such as evox dashboard and the media player. http://www.ioffer.com/i/Ultimate-Xbox-System-250gig-HD-Xecuter-Lite-2.3b-3237486 I have contacted them with questions and they seem to have good support. i am still leary about dropping $500 to someone I don't know. I am still researching and I would appreciate any input. thanks, jtrage
I am looking to sell mine that was modded by a pro about 2 weeks ago. It has all the apps and even some games on it if you want them. It is modded with a Aladdin Advanced mod chip, It has a 120GB Hard drive and emulators. I would sell it to you if you want. Send me an email at mmalaney@uwm.edu if you want to talk about it. Nothing is wrong with it I am just wanting to buy a laptop.
Hi mmalaney Please edit your post no advertising please and remove your email adress, your post might get you into trouble with moderators. regards