I have Nero 6 and I can't figure out how to cut a long string of video from my camcorder into pieces to create separate DVD's. Does Nero 6 do this?
Thanks. I contacted Nero and I was given the link to step by step prcedures for Nero 7! I think they are giving me the same message!
Well, I should have qualified my answer. I guess there are some oem versions (comes with burners & new computers) of Nero 6 which didn't come with nero vision. But if you do have Nero Vision, here is a guide which will get you started. Work through this and see if it makes sense. If you still have questions (probably), post back and I'll see about walking you through the procedure. It's been a while since I've used it so I probably have to use it again to show you how!
Thanks, I've used the timeline in nerovision before, but was unable to cut unwanted parts of the video. I'll try again, and see if I can make it work. I'll post back when I've given it a shot. Paul
One of the tricks I've found is to make a copy of your source file and edit off of that. Start with the copy each time you want isolate a string off the master. Cut from one end at a time and save as a project. When you want to cut from the other end, cancel out of Vision, reload your project and then cut from the other end. Usually I would work on one end at a time. My Nero 6 Vision would/does lock up on me frequently so I learned to save to a project frequently, saves alot of time if you have to reload from a lock up, or if you screw up and cut too much out.
As I recall, I think I tried to cut (use the scissor tool as a drag tool) from both ends at once and it never worked. I'll try what you said and see how it works. thanks again so much.