Hi, I have my parent's 50th Wedding Anniversary coming up (1/26/08) and have never burned a DVD, just CD's. I need to burn a Micro Soft Photo Story 3 WMV file. I just got a new PC (boy did I need to upgrade!) that has Nero Smart Start. I used the Nero Vision Express SE to do this. However, it doesn't give me an option to burn to a DVD, it will burn to a VCD. I am using a test Photo Story (so I can play around before I try to complete the real thing)and chose "Make a New Slide Show" and then "Video CD" it burned on the CD and played back fine. However when I chose "other video formats" it says I need a DVD-Video plug in. Do I need this plug in or other add on to burn this to a DVD? Or do DVD's only support video type files and not WMV files? It will be played back on a laptop with an overhead plasma display. PS: I wanted to make sure I had enough capacity for the entire PhotoStory which is why I was going to use a DVD. Sorry if I sound completely foolish, but yep, burning DVD's are totally new to me! Thanks for any help!!
If Nero came with your new PC and wants a DVD plugin, it must be an OEM restricted version,not the full version with all the options. You could pay and upgrade to the full version vith the DVD burning software9probably you would get some discount ). However, there are so many tools out there, you probably don't need it. To burn your slide show to a data DVD, you can use: http://www.afterdawn.com/software/video_software/dvd-r_tools/finalburner.cfm It is free. You can probably drag and drop it in Windows also. EDIT: You mentioned VCD-are you actually making a VCD/DVD Video, playable in a stand alone player, or just putting the WMV on the disc as data?
I think you are correct about the limitations as I cannot use the GoNero button to get the Nero Burning ROM screen. ??? Could it really come without that at all?? Isn't that the whole point of the software? It is an older version as well, Nero 6 apparently. I plan to use the DVD on a laptop connected to a plasma overhead screen at the restaraunt we will have the party at. (although using it in a regular player may be something my parents may want to do after I give it them, so that may be something I should investigate) I did try to drag and drop but got an error that said Windows had a problem copying the file..and would not copy it. No place to even see help or more info about the error. So that was a dead end on why it wouldn't copy. I wasn't sure if maybe Windows simply couldn't drag and drop to DVD. I mean it's a Microsoft WMV file why wouldn't it? Another forum perhaps? However, I was messing around some more and was able to copy it to the DVD as a regular data file in Nero Express and it played back fine on Windows Media player. SO I think this will work for the immediate need. I am going to do a couple more tests to be sure. Still very open to learning more though! Thank you so much for the quick reply!!
Honestly, I am not sure about the limitations of the Nero OEM package.I know there are some. Not to have Nero Burning Rom though? I would think Nero Recode would be missing, but not NBR. Like I said, there are many free applications to use. If you want to convert the WMV to a DVD video, I strongly recommend a free application called DVD Flick. Easy to use, very good quality output. http://beginwithsoftware.com/videoguides/dvd-flick-guide.html A very useful free tool for burning DVD Videos, is ImgBurn.
Yeah, I thought that a little strange too that NBR wasn't there. Seems that would be the backbone of the program. I emailed Nero support with my serial number to see if they would be able to tell from that if I should have it. Just want to make sure the company that built my PC didn't just screw up the install. I am going to try the downloads/tools you sent me. I really appreciate the quick assist. This is a pretty special event and want to make sure all works before hand! A million thanks!!
It is possible that they messed up the install. You could try and go to Nero's web site and check for updates, see if it will let you install some, if ant available. .If there is a version available, you should do a clean install. First should uninstall the current version, before installing a new one. Save the serial number. To uninstall, use Nero Clean Tool: http://www.nero.com/eng/support-nero6-tools-utilities.html 50's Anniversary is pretty special! Congratulations( or Happy anniversary, not sure what people say)! I am assuming you don't have access to the laptop to be used for the playback/projection? I have encounter many threads where people were having problems with burnt discs that were not being recognized in different drives. Some drives won't recognize their own burns. Don't want to scare you, just to make you aware of the "possibility"!
If Nero responds that may answer the question as I did ask specifically about the ROM. I can always run my PC down to the people who built it and have them re-install it too. They are just a few miles away so no big deal if it's an install problem only. I think both salutions are correct for them! Thank you. It's amazing they have been married that long. I think it's become a rare thing. I did find an update, but was actually a little worried about making things worse. Should I try it anyway? It would probably give me an error downloading if there was a problem right? I was one step ahead, I did know about the comapatibility issue. So I am actually going to go down to the venue the weekend before the surprise party and try it out. (and see what connnections we need as well) I am also trying it on my work laptop in case I need to use that one. And I will stop by my cousins and try it on the 2 they have! I am hoping 1 of the 4 will work!I think there are a couple others in the family too if needed. I'll definitely post back with the results!
I looked around, and I don't think it was an installation issue. Your Nero Essentials did not include Nero Burning Rom unfortunately. Well, since you will hav access to the computer used, might as well copy the clip to the HDD. Yes, 50 years happily in a single marriage is a rare thing nowadays. I don't know what the upggrade was about. Sometimes it does go for the worst though. I have a version of Nero 7 that since I installed it, it's been updated seveal times, but I stayed with the one proved to work on my machine. You got the compatibility issue covered, it seems you're set! Good luck, cheers!
Well, that would explain it :-( Yes, I think I will stick to the HDD since it seems to work OK. Thank you again! You have been a huge help! Cheers to you too! (from across the pond!)