Newbie- want to custom create a video disc

Discussion in 'Nero discussion' started by aclmvh, Oct 26, 2005.

  1. aclmvh

    aclmvh Member

    Oct 26, 2005
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    I am new to video creation. I have the Nero 6 OEM disk and a Sony DVD/CD burner. I don't want to copy/edit copyrighted discs, but home made discs.

    I have converted Hi8 camera recordings to DVD using a Magnavox recorder/writer. Now I want to copy those DVDs to a hard drive file so I can pick out chapters/scenes to put on one master video disc (sport highlights from several discs put onto one disc), so they can be sent out as 'highlight discs'.

    Can I do this using Nero 6 OEM? If so, what steps should I take in Nero? Do I need to decrypt the files?

    Help please. Thanks.
  2. spencsm

    spencsm Guest

    What format are the videos in now?

    Nero 6 will do what you want, but the exact method depends on what format the original files are in...
  3. aclmvh

    aclmvh Member

    Oct 26, 2005
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    When I view the DVD's I burned using MS Explorer I see two folders- one Video_RM and one Video_TS. In the RM folder, there are .DAT, .IFO and .BUP files. In the TS folder, there are .BUP, .IFO and .VOB files.

    Remember, I have Nero 6 OEM.....Reading other posts I have downloaded DVD Decrypter and DVD Shrink and have familiarized myself with them just in case.

    Again, my primary goal is to take home-burned videos, put them on a hard drive en masse for editing down to a single, highlight DVD disc.

    Thanks for any help. mvh
  4. club42

    club42 Regular member

    Sep 11, 2005
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    Tmpeg dvd author will let you put multiple dvd videos on one dist and ad menus. It depends on what kind of editing you want to do. There are alot of free programs out there.
  5. aclmvh

    aclmvh Member

    Oct 26, 2005
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    Type of editing I want to do....specifically, I have homemade DVDs of football games and I would like to go thru each game and keep the best plays in my master copy (on the hard drive) while editing-out the plays I don't want. Then I want to burn the resulting master of highlights to DVD.

    My first need is getting the homemade DVD to the hard drive so it can be edited. The second need is to be able to go into that 'copy' and edit it to create the 'highlight master'.

    Thanks, mvh

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