I'm not really sure if I should be asking this in this forum section, since I really don't know much about DVDs. What I do know is that I'm supposed to be booktyping my DVD-R into DVD-ROM format, and I have no clue on how to do it, seeing as the program I'm using doesn't support the DVD Drive I have (TEAC DV-W516GB J4S1) and haven't found any that does--yet. I've been googling and asking about this for the last couple o' hours and came up with zit, so I decided to ask on here. I would really appreciate it if anyone barged in with the answers. Much much thanks in advance
I think I have a couple o' blank DVD+Rs in the closet, so my main issue is with booktyping using the TEAC-brand DVD burner itself. Thanks for the heads-up
Well, hopefully this works, I didn't research too deeply but it should work. It would appear that your drive is actually a rebadged LiteOn SOHW-1673S, so you could flash your drive with the latest firmware from this drive, you could even patch this firmware with something like Omnipatcher before you apply it to change rip speeds. After it is badged a LiteOn drive, you could use a program like DVDinfo Pro to do the bitsetting for your drive. Newest LiteOn SOHW-1673S Firmware (JS0D): http://codeguys.rpc1.org/firmwares/dvdrw/stock/1673S.JS0D.stock.rar Omnipatcher: http://codeguys.rpc1.org/patchers/omnipatcher-2.4.7.rar DVDinfo Pro: http://www.dvdinfopro.com/ edit: As I have not had much time too look too deeply into this, I would research these findings a bit more before implementing them if I were you, a bad flash can leave you with a dead drive, but quite unlikely as long as you do it correctly. But hopefully this gets you going in the right direction.