Hello everyone! I'm here to tell you about A game called "RAKION". If your not familiar with this game its a strategic game that shows incredible blows, its a war game like Empire Earth II but it has very awesome differences. Instead of clicking the oppenent and wait till your character goes and attack it, in this game you can control your character and attack by your self using awesome moves. Not only that you can jump and(most awesome of all), you can buy amor and weapons like in Soul Calibur II! Also you can buy creatures, like dragons, golems, soldiers, and many more to help you out in combat. You can choose cool characters like swordsmen, mages, ninja's, and many more. To check this game out, go to www.gunbound.com and check their cool characters and creatures to check a glipse about this game. But the sad part of it is that its not out until November, but how do I know how cool great it is, because their was a BETA test that I was part of. Anyway check it out and I'll keep updated when it comes out