Next Great video game series?

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by Donavin, Dec 15, 2008.

  1. Donavin

    Donavin Regular member

    Mar 6, 2007
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    Hey everybody this is just a story my friend has been working on for quite some time and he wishes to share his Original prolouge with people to see what they think about it. He asks that you please ignore his grammar in this because it is not his final but please focus on the content, and please leave your review thank you!

    NOTE!: This story is made out of my spare time, please be aware there is some mature content that includes the following-blood, gore, violence, and mature language. And also do not just cause I wrote this doesn’t mean im a psycho =P.

    The year is 2100, mankind abused our planet Earth by littering, destroying and rapid use of fossil fuels. By doing all that mankind melted the Earths only fresh water supply right into the ocean, and as if that wasn't enough there was a 10 year war on oil between the Western coalition, and the eastern alliances of Russia, and China. The war started in 2075 August 5th...the day I was I grew up a pretty decent life that is until my father left to fight in the war, leaving me with my mom in 2080 when I was only 5 and just started school....As time went on my life got worse and worse the war was all around me not the fight itself but the struggle for it...prices for gas sky rocketed to 20 bucks a gallon....riots occurred....people stopped going to school...I felt alone...The war finally ended in 2085 June 20th when both fractions agreed to put all efforts into creating cheap-efficient bio fuels, which in the long run turned out to be a competition on the word "Bio"....From the race to make the most efficient fuel scientists discovered alot about bio fuels they can be used to enhance normal performances proving not to be harmful or toxic at the time....ethanol now the most common fuel is used in most of our cars and only emits harmless water vapor...And for 1.50 a gallon it was a winner....even though that race was over research didn’t stop.....2093 on the day of my graduation they made a discovery that they could manipulate genetic code with these bio engineered products to increase any trait you wish....from hearing, to speech, sight, agility, etc.....The first tests were on the newly graduated students to let loose a whole new breed of successors they said....till about a year later side effects were realized.

    Out breaks of these Bio engineered performance enhancing drugs (B.I.E.P.E.D.S) resulted from the first batch……It had a 10% kill rate from these unpredicted mutations, and a 80% mutation rate which turned the host’s of the B.I.E.P.E.D.S into more agile beings able to contort their psychical body shape, darker skin pigmentations, skeletal mutations including longer spines, and bigger jaws, a great taste for cannibalism and increased aggression…….the last 10% of the first batch that I was in instead what was deemed by scientists rapid evolution occurred, where as these hosts had rapid regeneration able to heal a open wound within a minute, increased brain capacity making the few of us smarter, and unpredictable unique abilities such as increased strength and agility beyond measure making the host able to sprint at top speed for hours on end, higher sense of balance and stability making the host able to land on their feet or recover from a fall in a split second amongst this group of people a total of 11,266 dead after the first year all slow and painful…..83,567 mutated into what are known as the infected, offspring of these mutated hosts were known as nibblers who earned their title by consuming their victims slowly but painfully……the evolved hosts were known as Saints being blessed with immeasurable luck says scientists, but the “luck” of the Saints ran short when the Infected began consuming them because they were seen as major threats to their kind…..slowly they picked off the remaining 10,000 Saints devouring them as if they were delegate meals a large portion of the saints ran like hunted cattle all over the world but the Infected didn’t rest till they found and devoured their threats to their species…….so the war of the Saints and infected began on 2094 August 5th on my 19th birthday, The United Nations marine corps (UNMC) ordered all Saints to their nearest Police stations for immediate protection, but few of them trusted the UNMC and fled……their mistake was being to slow to out run the overwhelming force of the infected, the wiser ones…..joined the UNMC for payback of killing all of their friends. I and my close friends became very familiar with weapons put in our arms classic Bio-material guns that shot super heated projectiles at blinding speed with deadly accuracy. The enlisted saints formed their own ranks, squads, and codenames some such as mine Yoshi, my best friend John’s Poison Killer, James a good friend of John and I’s Didn’t have a codename he figured he’d be dead before anyone could remember it, Tammy a girl I’ve known since high school, and consider almost as close as a sister, and My step-Brother Adam codename Elite. After months of fighting we managed to isolate the infected to a small portion of southern Africa. Our Squad codenamed: Spartans was deployed at 0600 at a uninhabited forest in southern Africa, the UNMC had suspicions that a infected population was growing and mobilizing for an attack….this is the Video feed of that nightmarish mission…

    (Scrambling transmission feed) This is the Saint resistance squad Number ZERO-ZERO-ONE Delta Codename Spartans over we are currently en route to infected infested jungle in Southern Africa the UNMC is currently posted 20 clicks away from our drop off zone surrounding the Infected hive location with Mark I armor, and M-90 scorcher rifles. (Static) “Affirmative Delta squad this is UNMC Alpha squad we see your bird moving to the drop-off zone we have you Boys covered from the north and will provide immediate EVAC if necessary, stay sharp DELTA, and be aware there have been reports of Some Saint soldier’s being held captive by the infected, a small UNMC platoon left at 0300 to retrieve captive Saints we have lost contact with them….” (Radio static) “Rodger ALPHA, we have reached our stop, LOCK AND LOAD Its payback! ALPHA we will keep you posted on our progress, and thanks for the assistance….” (Radio static) “Don’t thank us until you and your squad make it out in one piece over” (Radio Static) “OH RAH!”……..The cockpit to our custom designed Pelican(A jet-like dropship) opened up Slowly as it hovered some 50 feet from the ground I turned to look at my squad checking to make sure they were battle ready….Poison carried a Vintage class Berretta .50 Cal sniper rifle, along with standard M-90 scorcher rifle Wearing his custom painted Mark-I UNMC assault suit, James with a Flame thrower, M-90 scorcher rifle, and his little toy a compact buzz-saw wearing the Mark-I suit with custom red flame’s. Adam wearing a Mark-I with bone details along the face mask using M-90 scorcher rifle along with his 2 vintage 7-shooter Revolvers. Tammy with Light reconnaissance armor used Two compact M-87 submachine guns, and a Bio-Injector a needle that can revive downed squad mates within seconds. I was equipped with the standard Mark-I battle armor custom painted black with blue flames, M-90 scorcher rifle with a plasma launcher attached to it, I also had a custom Vintage T-Rex shotgun Loaded with Plasma shrapnel shells, along with a Custom Titanium alloy combat knife with a “widdled” back to cut through flesh easier. I saw that everyone was battle ready, so I gave the order for my squad to drop out…..James went first, we stayed sharp looking out of the drop-off ramp for possible infected grunts ready to ambush us, he stood at the end of the launch, looked down turned back to me and said “You know this is bull-shit man why do I have do go first huh? Why don’t you go first you’re the one with the fusking cannon…..” I admired his comment, and said without hesitation “Because I’m more important, and if there was infact an ambush down there it would be better if you go cause we wont care if you come back alive…” He laughed, and looked back down “Fine last one down gets to clean our rifles” then he jumped down with the 50 foot drop. This wasn’t suicide our Mark-I suits could absorb the shock from a 250 foot drop, and let alone because of our abilities we could naturally sustain a drop over 500 feet , Elite stood up without hesitation, and yelled “I’m not cleaning your damn gun Yoshi that thing sucks” and jumped down after James Poison stood up, and said “Go on Yosh I got your six”, I turned to him, and said “The fusk you do your aim is worse than mine, and I gave him a small push out the pelican I heard him yell you prick as he fell to the jungle floor, Tammy stood and said “Go ahead, I can clean the rifles, I haven’t done that in a while anyways figured its my turn….” I turned to her, and put my hand on her shoulder and said “I’m going in first Tammy if there’s infected down there I want you to stay up here till I got the landing cleared 100% got it? And no your not cleaning the guns, I will” she said “No forget that if you do that then I wont be able to shoot something” I pushed her down to the seat, turned to the launch, and Jumped yelling “WOOOO HOOO!!!!” the wind went rushing past my visor as I plunged to the lush jungle floor, I saw Poison just standing up from his landing I yelled “Move it ladies!!!” They quickly moved out of the way, and I landed on “take a knee” stance with my fist at the ground….Poison said “That’s a little over dramatic but I give it a 10” He lets out his hand to help me up grabbed his hand and looked up at him “Ya it was a little over dramatic, but at least I didn’t fall out of the pelican” He snapped “Hey fusk you bro you pushed me out!” Elite added “Looks like you fell out happy feet”, I said “Alright that’s enough you guys we have a job to do” James looked back at us and said “Hey Yoshi where the fusk is your Girlfriend at?” I barked at him “James fusk you I told her to stay in the pelican in case there was an ambush”, “Well if there was they would have gotten to my ass by now, seeing as there’s not tell her to get her ass down here!” James yelled. I told him ok, and set up a perimeter I opened up a private comm. Channel to Tammy “Tammy you there over?” (Radio silence)…..”Yes I am, and did you really need to push me?”, “Well just because im not one of your bumhole boyfriends doesn’t mean I cant push you around…”. “Good point, ok is the LZ clear?”, “Yes it is make the jump” I looked up at the pelican to see Tammy look down at me and say “umm…… you think the pilot could lower me down a bit?” I laughed on the comm. And said “No Tammy he’s at the safest altitude from infected attacks, and you know that…I PROMISE its an easy drop, like onto a mountain of pillows…” She said “Ok…..but it looks A LOT higher than 50 feet…” “It always does now jump” I saw Tammy jump forward, I watched her rapidly descend to the ground, and slam on impact. I cut off the private comm., and Said “See now was that soo bad?” Tammy looked up and said “No…It was worse” I let out my hand to help her up, she grabbed my hand and pulled herself up. I readied my Scorcher rifle, and told Poison to take up a sniper position on the tree’s, Jame’s to lead, Elite to follow up and cover James, and I told Tammy to stay inbetween Elite and I. I was covering our six, and making sure no harm came our way, I saw poison lunge up to a tree and climb it with the imbedded spikes in his gloves designed for excellent grip. James mutter “Why the fusk am I always the first guy?” Elite laughed and said “Because the infected like to eat bitches first anyways”. I smacked Elite upside the head and said “Keep it quiet were in this shit-hole waist deep now”. I cut off my external microphone and set-up a private comm. With the entire squad. “Mic check…” I saw the others turn off their external mics and joined our comm.. They sounded off “Elite here”, “Tammy reading ya”, (James) “Ya I’m here”, (Poison) “Sup”. “Okay, were a go Delta head to our marker the UNMC placed for us” I saw in my personal HUD light up a circle on my radar panel on my left arm I saw the bright blue dot flash along with smaller green targets-my squad. “Poison get me some eyes up on that tree”. I pointed to a large tree that was taller than all the others to get a good glimpse of what was ahead for us he look at me and up at the tree, and said “Done” and ran to the tree and started to climb up it at a fast pace in less than a minute he was at the top and radioed back in saying “fusking bullshit I can’t see shit with all the fog”, I ordered him to come back down and follow up on our six. I ordered James and Elite to lead and I would cover them. I told Poison and Tammy to stay back and watch over us but highest priority is to get out if this operation hit the wall. Poison and Tammy stayed a solid 100 feet back and followed up on us as we moved, they occasionally stopped to check the path to make sure we weren’t heading into a trap. As we moved forward our objective marker disappeared when we were only 50 feet from our target and through the thick haze we saw a warehouse we didn’t see any infected an thought for a second this mission was just wrong intelligence. Poison and Tammy stayed back while Elite, Adam, and I knelt next to a bush that easily concealed us if there were actually any infected. I ordered everyone to stay frosty and hold position. I opened a comm. Channel with Alpha and said “Where the hell are these things were here and there isn’t a dam-“ I jumped when I heard gun fire and look towards the warehouse to see a man holding a scorcher rifle and screaming “Get away from me!!!”. In a split second we saw a wave of infected heading towards the man, I returned to our squads comm. And yelled “Poison cover the survivor, were going in after him.” I heard him respond on the comm. “I got him covered.” I snapped back to looking at the survivor and saw a infected lunge for him, I felt a disturbance in the air above me and saw the infected get pushed back by a .50 calibur round that entered in the infected’s heart and fall to the ground. I stood up and signaled Elite and James to protect the survivor, and I’ll watch their back. I saw James turn on the flame switch on his flamethrower and saw the flame at the end of the barrel light up, Elite cocked back his rifle and they both charged in with Elites gun blazing and mowing down the infected wave as they came at them, and James roasting them till we knew that they were dead, I ran ahead as they protected the survivor and looked inside the warehouse, I kicked open the door and checked left and right I heard a roar and scream right after…the infected were eating little kids…I was disgusted and enraged I saw a infected dicer impale a small kid and watched as the boys arm bleed and he screamed from the agonizing pain. I dropped my scorcher rifle and ran towards the infected, I drew my combat knife and lunged at the infected stabbing it right in the back, I heard the tear of its flesh and the crack of its bone from the impact, I kept pressure on the blade and wrapped my arm around the Infected’s neck and brought it down to the ground. I pulled the blade out and let the Infected fall to the floor as It yelled in agony I looked at the kid-hurt but he’ll live. I looked into the boys eyes and saw his fear….the very same fear that struck me years ago, I looked back at the dieing infected, I tightened my grip on my knife and dropped down on my knee stabbing the infected in the head while covering its mouth so it wouldn’t yell to alarm the other infected that im stealing the last of their food. I ripped the blade out of its head after I made sure it was dead. I put the knife back on my vest, and knelt next to the kid. I looked at the kid and turned on my external speakers on my helmet and said “Don’t worry I’ll take care of you now…” the boy still rattled with fear and pain in his arm, “Let me see” I moved his hand that covered his shoulder and saw where the infected dicers arm entered. I checked my vest and pulled out some sterilizer and gauss, I told the kid “Okay I’m going to make you feel better okay? Its just going to sting a bit…”. I ripped open the sterilizer pack and held the boys arm I slowly coated his wound with it and saw him flinch from the sting, I uncoiled the gauss and covered it with a pad to stop the bleeding. When I was done patching his wound up and gave him a pat on the shoulder, I said “Whats your name kid?” He quietly mumbled “Andy…my names Andy”. “Look Andy I have a job to do, I’m supposed to get rid of those monsters that got to you… do you have any family?” I looked and saw tears run down his face, and say quietly “The monsters got to them…I saw them take my Mom, and my Dad….I don’t know what they did to them”. Andy bursted into tears. “Look Andy I know what its like to loose people close to you”-I was interrupted by a loud bang on the warehouse and saw a infected berserker trying to come in side I reached for my back hoping to grab my scorcher rifle and forgot I dropped it, I only had my T-rex rifle. I saw the metal to the warehouse wall tear and saw the berserker charge at the kid, I picked him up and yelled “Hang on!” I felt Andy tightly grip my shoulders, I slung my T-rex shotgun in my hand, and waited for the berserker to come close and jumped over it as it ran right underneath me and Andy, missing us and slamming right into the human remains pile. I set Andy down and yelled “Look away and cover your ears!” I saw the berserker turn towards me and roar in hatred I aimed my shotgun at it as it ran towards me and yelled “Yippi-ki-yay mother fusker!” and pulled the trigger the recoil was immense pushing me back into Andy a bit, and I heard the loud crack in the wind as well as the mulching of the berserkers body with my round that obliterated its front into what looked like swiss-cheese-pouring blood and guts. I lowered my gun and said “Damn I love this job…” surveying the berserkers remains…its body twitching I looked and saw pieces of its body slowly sliding down the walls and watched as one just happen to fall on my visor as I looked at the ceiling…”OF COURSE…” the automatic laser wiper on my visor began to clean it so I could see clearly without blood smudges on it anymore. After that I put my T-rex shotgun on my back and turned to check on Andy- still covering his ears, I tapped him on the shoulder and covered his eyes at the same time. I said “you’ve seen enough keep your eyes closed till we get outside ok?” Andy muttered “Okay”. I got back on my squads comm. and said “Hey Delta I got a kid with me everyone turn on your external mics so that the kid can hear us, we need to get him and the survivor to Alpha, you guys copy?”, everyone in my squad said “Copy!”. James added “TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH ASS-HOLE GET OUT HERE AND HELP US!”, “I’m on my way take a chill-pill” I snapped back at him. I started walked back out to the door that I entered the hanger in, stepping over blood and guts of other humans, the stench was overwhelming and surprised me I just now noticed it. As I reached the door I grabbed my scorcher rifle and cocked it back, “Hey Andy listen im going to run you to my friend Tammy she’s going to take care of you where we get to her got it?” Andy said “Okay”, I also added “I want you to keep your eyes closed, and if anything happens I want you to just run straight out of here got it?”, Andy quickly said “I will”. I peeked out side the hanger door to see Elite still firing on the infected swarm, as well as James covering him, I also saw the survivor ducking down behind the two of them still trying to help the best he can. I ran up to them and saw that the infected wave was still coming…I yelled “James your baby sitting, Elite your on me”, James said “Got it”. I set Andy down right next to the survivor and James, I checked my rifle, and set the firing rate to burst while walking towards the infected wave, I shouldered my rifle looking down the iron sight towards a infected dicer heading right towards me, I squeezed the trigger, and felt it kick back with the muzzle of the barrel flashing from the three rounds that just left the barrel, I traced one of them and saw it hit the infected square in the head making it crash down to the ground with blood pouring out of it head. I kept firing and firing watching infected after infected drop to the ground yelling in agony until my ammo meter on my scorcher rifle read 00, I yelled “Changing mag” Elite standing by my side yelled “I got you covered!”. I reached down on my vest for a new magazine while hitting the release button for my spent mag, as it fell in mid air I smacked in a new magazine and cocked back my rifle right as the previous mag hit the concrete, and resumed firing on the infected. I continued to fire until I felt a sharp pain in my leg, I looked down to see what happened and noticed that a infected nibbler just sank its teeth into my heel, I lifted my foot up with the nibbler still dangling on it and thrusted it back down to the ground with the infected beneath it hearing its bone crack, and guts mash together. I kicked it aside and saw a wave of nibblers heading towards Elite and I. I signaled Elite to run towards James and get the survivor and Andy out of here to the EVAC zone. I turned towards the infected nibblers heading towards me and pulled two UNMC spike grenades off my belt, and set the blast to high, I set the timer for 20 seconds, I saw a nibbler lunge for my face and chucked the spike grenade at it knocking it out of the air, and tossed the other one right in front of me, and turned to get the hell out of there before they blew. I turned towards the EVAC zone and ran as fast and hard as I could, seeing James and the others running towards the EVAC zone as well. I yelled “Hey you guys….bad news, don’t look this way!” I heard Tammy get on the comm. and yell “Yoshi you did not just do what I think you did!” I yelled “This is going to be a fusking ride!” I heard 3 loud beeps from the spike grenades, so I lunged forward to escape the blast, I heard a loud explosion and was propelled like a rocket forward from the blast. I went soaring through the air yelling “SSHHIITT!” and smacked right into a tree me running into it upside down, cause I got flipped upside down from the blast, and landed on my head everything went black…..I heard Tammy’s faint and soft voice saying “Yoshi!, WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING!?!?!” I quietly mumbled “It was stupid, but it was fun as hell..” I opened my eyes realized I was right side up again sitting with my back against the tree, James said “Damn Yoshi you flew like a fusking rock, nice one” and kicked me lightly on my leg. Tammy let out her hand to pick me up, I reached out and grabbed her hand, and felt her help me up. I stood up a little dazed and brushed off my shoulder acting like it was nothing, I stood up looked at what the hell I just did….I bursted out “DAMN THOSE THINGS ARE SWEET!!!!” I saw the warehouse metal shredded and scattered all over, along with the remains of the infected all over the place. I opened a comm. with Alpha squad and said “Alpha this is Delta, called in the sweep team, were done here….” (transmission cut-off)

  2. GrandpaBW

    GrandpaBW Active member

    Feb 28, 2004
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    I'd work on a little paragraph structure, if you really want someone to read it.

    I have a 24" monitor, and it is unreadable, in its current form.

    (Intended to be constructive criticism)

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