Please help me... I had to uninstall and reinstall the motherboard...But after I installed it I don't see the Ethernet installed....COuld someone please direct me to the drivers PLEASE... I looked on the NVIDIA webiste but they can't find my motherboard... My Motherboard is... NForce4M-A Please help
Not sure, but either this set : if you have an AMD chip or this one : for intel chips.
Nope didn't work... THe Ethernet is still missing...I was online this morning and I wanted to get rid of the NVIDIA FIREWALL Which SLows down everything and I reinstalled my Motherboard... How can I get my Ethernet back? It's missing in the Device Manager... I tried these... nForce4_intel_7.15_winxp2k_english_whql nForce4_x16_6.82_winxp64_english ANd the Ethernet is still Missing I need this for school...Please help NFORCE4M-A