
Discussion in 'Digital camcorders' started by b1zkit, Nov 4, 2006.

  1. b1zkit

    b1zkit Guest

    Alight I'm in the market for a new digital camcorder. A good night mode is very important to me. I have found Sony's have the best night modes. I was wondering what the big difference between nightshot and super nightshot was. Also if super nightshot is better than why do all the new "HD" camcorders come with nightshot. I also noticed the nightshot seemed greener than the super night shot. The super nightshot tended to be on the cheaper models too. I did all this by just observing the displays. So any help would be greatly apreciated! Thanks
  2. manxspud

    manxspud Guest

    super nightshot uses slower shutter speeds to let more light in, however this can lead to blurring of the video. for myself i think nightshot is the better. before you buy a new camcorder check to see if you can alter the shutter speed in nightshot (with some you can) you may also want to check out samsungs nite pix with which you can use a ir illuminator to good effect.

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