anybody use this? it appears to have the same features as the simply but with a wifi send feature on the way that lets you send the roms directly to your ds without having to remove the sd card everytime.
this sounds a lot like this homebrew app i was looking at... meaning that you would be able to do it with other slot-1's... now what was the app...
it seems like a cool enough feature that it might get added to a firmware update for the simply, or like you said added in a homebrew. speaking of the simply, it is the slot-1 i decided to go with. seems as though its getting the most support, etc. that is if it ever ships..which i guess i cant be too worried about yet seeing as how there hasn't been a ds lite in stock within 300 miles of me for weeks.
thats what it was... DSFTP. ds file transfer protocol lets ya transfer files from the trans flash to comp and/or vice versa. i was lucky to get my lite... 1 in stock and since i worked near there, they held onto it for me until my lunch break. sooo lucky...
None of the "extra features" on the X9 work. It also has many problems with it's basic operation and is very fussy about what TF card you can use in it. Buy a R4/M3 simply/DS1 .... buy anything excep the X9.