NINTENDO DS ? - Does anyone know where I can get games ?

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by nyjetfan, Feb 11, 2008.

  1. nyjetfan

    nyjetfan Member

    May 22, 2005
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    I have a nintendo ds and I purchased a kingston micro card.I also have the card reader that the micro card goes in.Does anyone know where I can get the games from.I am new to this and any help would be great.Thanks....
  2. juniR

    juniR Guest

    What cartridge? And bit torrent sites are your best bet for game roms assuming you know how to use torrents.
  3. nyjetfan

    nyjetfan Member

    May 22, 2005
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    i have the cyclo cartrige,can you give me the site where to go.thanks....
  4. nyjetfan

    nyjetfan Member

    May 22, 2005
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    Can somene please help me with my questions or at least steer me in the right direction on where to go.I am very new to this and any help would be great....Thanks........
  5. juniR

    juniR Guest

    If you google nds bittorrent sites then see what comes up. I don't use 'em that much but you also need a bittorrent client like azureus or utorrent. If you haven't used one before then you'll have to find out how to set 'em up using the help files or info from websites.
  6. nyjetfan

    nyjetfan Member

    May 22, 2005
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    I have utorrent that i been using for awhile.What do I got to do from here....Thanks....
  7. nyjetfan

    nyjetfan Member

    May 22, 2005
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    I went to nds bittorrent and found all the rom files.How do I save them to my computer.There are a bunch of folders that say 101-200,201-300,all the way to 700+.How do I get those on my computer.Thanks.......
  8. juniR

    juniR Guest

    I thought u said you used utorrent? If that's the case then use that to d/l the roms.

    hmmm A quick search indicates to me that you went and found a site with emule links... It actually says that above those folders... emule is another thing again. If you wanna use emule you need an emule client but emule is harder to get going than BT. That's where I stop. I don't get into setting up emule or BT for ppl cos it does my head in lol. Incidentally it does explain that the links are for emule and you'd need a client. Plz try reading stuff rather than being in a race to get downloading cos it saves me typing ;)

    Anyway - if you look closely at the very top of that page it gives details of torrent sites to go try. You can't miss it... It's under the bold heading with the large font saying "Nintendo DS Torrents". and is just about the first thing you have to read ;)
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 13, 2008

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