There are barely any games working on PC emulators at the moment, i seriously doubt ever seeing one on the xbox.
I'm trying my best not to laugh at such a ludacris question as this, pc emulators barely work, and how do you intend to play it on the XB anyway? It doesn't work like that.
well they did succesfully make one for the pc so i think sooner or later they will get into the ds for xbox but its going to be a long time b4 its perfect and yes i dont want to waste money on a crappy lil ds
Right analog stick of course. While the idea of a DS emulator sounds nice, it just wouldn't be the same as the real deal.
For the origanl xbox . no it will never happen , People have pretty much stopped makeing programs for the xbox , its not impossible to make one but it is most likely not to happen . just stick with a gba emu on it , or just upgrade and buy your self a Ds if you want to play.
my bad i didnt read well the thread........nintendo "ds" jajajaja i just got 2 days in this stuff and i think i am an expert.
there are DS Emulators for the pc at n0ne for xbox yet if you want an emulator for the xbox go ask DJB at
I can see it being possible to make an emulator for the xbox. There already is a linux base ds emulator. The best way to get this to work would be to some how installing an application for an external mouse to work on a dashboard like unleash x and then just run the emulator straight off the dashboard. I think it would be pretty cool if someone were to pull this off. I use Xebian Linux OS on my xbox and I can figure there may be a way through linux on the xbox. Then again the system requirements of such emulator would far surpass the xbox's capabilities. For instance 256mb RAM is a requirement. That would be the only way I could figure it would work. Maybe one day with the 3rd generation xbox. Let us hope Microsoft comes to reason and allows homebrew aplications more easily, including an interal harddrive or one with more storage. I want to see xbox's 2 Terabyte hdd's.