I have a nintendo ds (not a lite) that i bought in a UK store and would like to know if i can some how view the internet on it, and what is the best way of doing this. Thank you for any help.
As kcajblues post was kinda useless: You can buy the Nintendo DS Opera Browser from online UK stores such as here If you have the hardware needed to run homebrew you could also download DSLinux and use the text-based web browser.
I have heard of these removable drives, which use mini SD cards, for the DS. Do you know they are any good, and wheres the best(cheapest) place to get one from.
you're referring to either Supercard miniSD or M3 miniSD. M3 has better compatibility with DS and GBA games, whereas Supercard can play DS games pretty well, but not GBA games. Supercard tends to be a little bit cheaper, but the build quality of the thing itself is cheaper and the RAM they use is cheaper. Its also pretty tight fitting, tighter than a regular game. M3 is about as tight as a game is. I buy all my stuff from http://www.getyourgameshere.com , since I've gotten great service with them (already placed 3 orders with them total).. pretty good prices too
is the nintendo ds browser downloadable like DSLinux? i saw this http://www.emuwizards.com/index.php?option=com_smf&Itemid=141&topic=832.0 so i was wondering if i can use the internet with this?
i know i read somewhere about RAM cart in someone thread and since i dont' wanna to go through each thread can you refresh me on what thats is...is it purchaseable So the only way to get online/internet is only by using DSLinux if i have the m3lite other than goign out and buying the Opera? Do you know where can i get the DSlinux Thanks
well you can find DSLinux here: http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient-ff&ie=UTF-8&rls=GGGL,GGGL:2006-38,GGGL:en&q=dslinux RAM cart is required as the Opera browser has to read the page.. and it holds it in memory while its being rendered for the DS. I don't believe you can purchase it separately yet, especially since the Opera browser hasn't even hit the US shores yet. There may be a 3rd party version of the RAM cart though, who knows. If you have an M3/Supercard/otherflashcard... you would use DSLinux to launch RETAWQ in order to get online. RETAWQ is a TEXT based browser, so no images would show at all
I don't know how to remove it..any instruction to removing it? sorry didn't know what i can and can't say
its allowed to link to sites that have ROM stuff on it.. just not directly to the download. i think it can stay.. its pointing to a forum post that has info about the rom and the download link for it.. its not directly to the ROM itself. Of course, a mod would be able to tell you whether or not its right.. so it may be wise just to "report an offensive post" even though its not truly offensive