Nintendo DSi and GBA games

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by abvilejn, Apr 24, 2009.

  1. abvilejn

    abvilejn Member

    Apr 24, 2009
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    Hi, as a complete novice I need Your help- got Nintendo DSi with R4DSi card which works OK with all .nds extensions. I thought it will work and recognise .gba extension but it is not the case. When I copy them on R4DSi card it looks like empty card on DSi but on PC I can see these games on micro SD card.
    Is there any software I have to download so R4DSi card can recognise .gba or You might have some other solution..

    Second question: when I play games and want to play another one (from R4DSi) it always takes me on Nintendo DSi menu and I have to select R4DSi card,than "games" folder and than game on the end!
    Is there any solution I can access games straight from menu without getting completely out from R4DSi card (something like "back" button which take me straight to the game menu)
    Thank You very much
  2. Mickoz74

    Mickoz74 Active member

    Jun 15, 2008
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    gba emulators for ds dsi on the dsi you will have to try the ds ones they usually use ram in the slot 2 of a ds i think dsi has ram built in my friend says so maybe it will work

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