Can someone tell me why I can't get any audio when I try to play a movie on my DVD player? The video is fine. I can play through my PS2 and the audio plays fine. It only does it on certain discs; not all of them. Anyone have any ideas?
Have you tried to turn the volume up.No iam just jokeing are these backed up films or originals and if so is your ps2 pal or ntsc.Ask yourself these questions and you may have a simple answer.If they are backed up dvd's the audio could be missing.Try on a stand alone dvd player to see if you still have the same problem.Try to elimate each possible cause one by one until you find the cause.
I have tried a stand alone DVD player and I have no audio. As I said before, though, when I play through my PS2 the audio is fine. Oh, and by the way, my volume is turned up (lol).
Well, if the audio is present and the discs work in the PS2 - then it can only be your dvd player that is the problem........ Have a look in the dvd players settings for sounds like it maybe setup for 96KHz.......if so then that is the problem. Change it to 48KHz - this is the sampling rate dvd's require..... If the above is unsuccessful, then does you player play originals OK?
Thanks baabaa. I got the problem fixed. It was an audio setting on my DVD player. Thanks everyone else for the input.
Nice to hear you sorted it out..... Now you can be rest assured that you ONLY need to use your PS2 for the most important things - pure gaming....... Have fun.....................