no audio

Discussion in 'DivX / XviD' started by me1, Apr 7, 2005.

  1. me1

    me1 Member

    Sep 1, 2004
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    this has probaly been asked loads of times but i have got a great xvid film but i cannot hear any sound itryed gspot and it says i got right codecs so why no sound iam using Mplayer.

    thanks in advance
  2. aldaco12

    aldaco12 Active member

    Nov 6, 2002
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    Try loading the file with VirtualDubMod, do Stream__Stream List and look at what kind of audio stream it has (probably AC3 and you don't have an AC3 decoder).
    Probably you'll need to -encode that to MP3 (HeadAC3he, BeSweet) then to re-add to the video with, again, VirtualDubMod: do Stream__Stream List, Disable the old, Add the new one; set Video__Direct Stream Copy (avoid a video recompression, keep it the same quality) and do File___Save AVI (F7).
    I really cannot understand GSpot. Sometime I loaded a corrupted movie and it said me 'all well'. Maybe that movie player application didn't load the codec GSpot found on your PC...
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2005
  3. me1

    me1 Member

    Sep 1, 2004
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    thank you very much for your advice ill try what you said and yes i just found out it is this as you said-0x2000(AC3, Dolby Laboratories, Inc) AC3 just wondering would power dvd help
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2005
  4. me1

    me1 Member

    Sep 1, 2004
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    4.3 No picture, I get no video when playing DivX movies
    i did not typ this but i found this site were you can get the AC3 codec to play it on any player all( thanks agian

    To find out which video codec you are missing you should download GSpot and open the movie you are having problems playing. The program will give you information about what codecs are needed to play the movie and if you have them installed on your computer. If you look under the video format section you will see information about the video stream. If you don't have a compatible video codec installed you should be able to use the FOURCC codec to find and download the needed video codec in the following list:

    Compression Audio codec
    MPEG Layer-3 Codec MP3 codec
    Unknown (tag 55) MP3 codec
    Unknown (tag 85)

    MP3 codec
    DivX ;-) Audio Compressor DivX ;-) audio
    Unknown (tag 161) DivX ;-) audio
    Unknown (tag 353)

    DivX ;-) audio
    AC3 Codec AC3 codec
    Unknown (tag 2000) AC3 codec
    Unknown (tag 8192)

    AC3 codec
    Ogg Vorbis Codec OGG codec
    Unknown (tag 674F) OGG codec
    Unknown (tag 26447)

    OGG codec

    thanks i hope this helps others
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2005

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