Hi, just got a sagem dbox2 off ebay and I cannot get any channels at all. It has team commando. I know very little about these things..can anyone help?
can you explain more when you say cant get any cable channels.... also have you set your location, press blue button on remote control go to set location select your area and cable provider, reboot your DBox, once up, using remote press dbox select services select scan set your cable provider sym6997 for eNTeeeeeeeL or the other for TW set fast scan to off press start scan sit back and wait 15 minutes enjoy wonderful world of cable tv...
Thanks guys...I just messed around with the settings, changed my town etc, did a scan and bingo!! I think I have most channels (made up I've got sky sports 1 2 and 3)! Cheers!!!
Also...now that i have the channels..do I need to save them now? if i just switched the box off, would I lose the channels? Thanks.